Tuesday, September 20, 2016

SAP FICO Training - Basic Settings1-Org Units (Video3) | SAP FICO

SAP FICO Training - SAP Navigation (Video2) | SAP FICO

SAP FICO Training - Introduction to SAP and FI-CO (Video1) | SAP FICO

SAP FI. T.Codes With Explantion

be included in this book. They also dedicated countless hours to reviewing the chapters and to providing valuable feedback. Without their dedication, this project would not have become a reality.
I hope you find this book informative and easy to read. I hope this book pro- vides new perspectives, introduces you to transactions that you have never used before, and explains practical usage of transactions, as you embark on your SAP implementations.
I would like to say thank you to Florian Zimniak and the team at Galileo Press for giving me the opportunity to write this book and for their support in making the whole process as smooth as possible.
I would also like to thank my co-authors Martin Murray and Venki Krishnamoorthy. They were a pleasure to work with and I greatly enjoyed being part of the team.
Lastly, I would like to express my thanks to my wonderful family, Caroline, Jay and Sascha, for their support and encouragement in completing this book. They are truly inspirational.
We hope that this book gives you information that will help you maximize your use of the transaction codes available in SAP. We hope that you can use the knowledge you gain from reading this book to develop your skills and to help your company benefit from using SAP.
© 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)
1 Financial Accounting (FI)
AB01 Create an Asset Transaction
This transaction is used for posting a general asset transaction. An asset number, company code, sub number, document date, posting date, posting period, and transaction type are required. The transaction type will deter- mine the general ledger entries. Enter an amount of the asset posting, the asset value date and, optionally, any text to complete the posting.
AB02 Documents for Asset (Change)
This transaction is used to change existing asset accounting documents. There are only a few fields that can be changed once an asset accounting document has been posted, for example, the text and assignment fields at the line item level. The asset value date can also be changed, but this does not automati- cally re-determine the depreciation start date (this can be done only by changing the asset master).
AB03 Documents for Asset (Display)
Use this transaction to display asset accounting documents. The important field to recognize is the transaction type, which controls the classification of the transaction and the inte- gration into the general ledger.
AB08 Documents for Asset (Reverse)

This transaction is used to reverse asset accounting documents due to an error. The default selection criteria will be the company code and asset number. Additional selection criteriamay be utilized using dynamic selec- tion functionality. Once the asset accounting
document is displayed, the reverse document transaction can then be executed.
ABAA Unplanned Depreciation
Use this transition if an asset requires depre- ciation outside of the automatically calculated ordinary depreciation. Select the asset num- ber, company code, document date, posting date, and posting period. The default trans- action type is 640 (unplanned depreciation on prior-year acquisitions), which can be changed to 650 (unplanned depreciation on current-year acquisitions). On the next screen enter the amount of unplanned depreciation and post to all the asset depreciation areas.
ABAON EnterAsset Transaction: Asset Sale without Customer
Use this transaction to sell an asset without recording an accounts receivable with the customer (Transaction F-92 can be used for an asset retirement with revenue with a cus- tomer). Upon posting, the acquisition value accumulated depreciation is reversed, a gain/ loss on the sale is recorded, and a clearing account is posted with the proceeds from the sale in a subsequent general ledger entry. Enter the asset number, document date, asset value date. Then, optionally, partial amounts can be entered and posted, as opposed to retiring the whole asset.
ABAVN EnterAsset Transaction: Asset Retirement by Scrapping
Use this transaction when an asset is to be scrapped without receiving any revenue for the disposed asset. Upon posting the acqui- sition value, accumulated depreciation is

1 Financial Accounting (FI)
reversed and a gain/loss on the disposal is recorded. The partial retirement of an asset can also be recorded. Enter the asset num- ber, document date, asset value date. Then optionally, partial amounts can be entered and posted to, as opposed to scrapping the whole asset.
ABAW Balance Sheet Revaluation
Use this transaction to perform a one-time revaluation of a fixed asset to reflect the effects of inflation. Some countries require this valuation to be separately identified in depreciation area 20 (historical). Enter com- pany code, asset number, document date, posting date, transaction type (800-post revaluation gross) and then revaluation date and revaluation amount.
ABGF Credit Memo in Year
after Invoice
This transaction is used to post a credit to asset acquisition and production costs. Use this transaction to post the offsetting entry to an offset account, which has to be sub- sequently cleared with the external vendor invoice. Transaction type 160 is used to post the credit in prior years. Note that prior year depreciation is manually corrected using a write up before the credit memo can be posted.
ABGL Credit Memo in Year of Invoice
This transaction is used to post a credit to the asset acquisition and production cost. Use this transaction to post the offsetting entry to an offset account, which has to be subsequently cleared with the external ven- dor invoice. Transaction type 105 is used to post the credit in the current year.
ABMA Manual Depreciation
Use this transaction to manually calculate and post depreciation. Using a special deprecia- tion key, MANU, this transaction may be used where there is an unexpected permanent reduction in the asset’s net worth or there is a special tax depreciation that is only par- tially taken into account. TransactionABAA, unplanned depreciation, is more commonly used when additional depreciation calcula- tion and posting is required.
ABNAN Enter Asset Transaction:
This transaction is used to subsequently correct the acquisition and cost value of the fixed asset. For example, an expenditure was neglected when capitalizing the fixed asset that is linked to the assembly of the asset in a fiscal year that is now closed. Post-capital- ization is posted to the asset using standard transaction type 400.
ABNE Subsequent Revenue
Use this transaction to post revenue to a retired asset, for asset reporting purposes. Note that there is no integration with the general ledger or controlling, so any entry made using this transaction must also be made in the general ledger and controlling module.
ABNK Subsequent Costs
Use this transaction to post costs to a retired asset, for asset reporting purposes. Note that there is no integration with the general ledger or controlling, so any entry made using this transaction must also be made in the general ledger and controlling module.
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Financial Accounting (FI) 1
ABSO Miscellaneous Transactions

This transaction can be used with most asset transaction types but is not commonly used because other transaction codes, designed with a specific business objective in mind, have been developed, for example, post-ing an asset retirement or unplanned depreciation.
ABST2 Reconcile. Program FI-AA
<-> G/L: List of Accounts Showing Differences
This transaction selects asset summary records, totals the values at the company code and business area level, and writes the values to table EWUFIAASUM. This table is then read and reconciled with the asset account-ing general ledger accounts. This transaction should be used before year end closing.
ABT1N Enter Asset Transaction:
Intercompany Asset Transfer
Use this transaction to transfer a fixed asset between two company codes. The retirement and acquisition values are posted in one step. A transfer variant is selected in customizing, which is used by this transaction for the post-ings. The transfer variant will consider the legal structure of the company codes, the transfer method (i.e., gross, net, new value), sending/target company code depreciation areas and field contents of the sending target asset master. Note that if a manual entry to a depreciation area is required, use transac-tion ABT1.
an asset under construction managed at a summary level. To facilitate the transfer, a new asset can be created, or a new asset can be generated from the transaction. Stan-dard transaction types 300, 310, 320, and 330 determine the capitalization start date and depreciation start date of the receiving asset.
ABZE Acquisition from
In-house Production
This transaction is used to post acquisition cost to an asset. The default posting key is 70 and transaction type is 110, with the default offsetting account proposed, set up in customizing.
ABZON Enter Asset Transaction:
Acquis. W/Autom. Offsetting Entry
This transaction can be used where the acqui-sition value is posted before the receipt of an invoice from a vendor. The acquisition value is posted to the asset, and an offsetting entry is automatically posted and requires clearing upon the subsequent receipt of a vendor invoice.
ABZP Acquisition from Affiliated Company
Use this transaction to post acquisition costs from one company code to another company code within a group company. The default transaction type is 150, which is linked, via customizing, to consolidation transaction type 125.
ABUMN Enter Asset Transaction:
Transfer within CompanyCode
Use this transaction if organizational changes are required for the asset, for example, reclas-sification of the asset class or profit center. This transaction can also be used to settle
ABZU Write-up
Use this transaction to make a subsequent change to the value of an asset, e.g., reversal of accumulated depreciation and increase the value of the asset. A write-up will increase the planned depreciation when used with

1 Financial Accounting (FI)
a depreciation method based on the net book value. The transaction type will differ depending on the depreciation type used. Standard transaction type 700 is used.
AFAB Depreciation Posting Run
Planned depreciation is not posted to the general ledger until this transaction has been executed. When posting depreciation in update mode, the program must be run in background. Depreciation is posted for each depreciation area, but only the standard delivered depreciation area 01 (book depre- ciation area) posts to the general ledger.
AFAR Recalculate Depreciation
This transaction can be used to recalculate the planned annual depreciation for a large number of fixed assets if, for example, the depreciation keys have been changed in configuration. Note that it is not possible to recalculate depreciation for prior closed fiscal years.
AFBP Log of Posting Run
This transaction is used to access the posting log for posting depreciation via transaction AFAB, the depreciation posting run. The log will display the list of assets posted to and the summarized posting by account assignment.
AIAB Settlement AuC
This transaction is used to create the distribu- tion of costs for the settlement of an asset under construction (AUC)managed at a line item level. Costs collected for an AUC can bemanaged at a summary level. In this case, the settlement is performed when the AUC is complete, using transactionABUMN.Use transaction AIAB to specify, at the line item level, what the settlement receiving objects are (e.g.,FXAisanasset, CTRis a costcenter)
and the % of the AUCcost thatwill be settled to the respective receiving objects.
AIBU AuC Settlement
This transaction is used for the settlement of an asset under construction (AUC) man- aged at a line item level. The distribution rule is created via transaction AIAB. If the asset under construction is managed at a summary level, it can be settled once or several times using transaction ABUMN.
AIST Reversal of Settlement of AuC
Use this transaction to reverse the settlement of an asset under construction using transac- tion AIBU. The last settlement is reversed, so if you want to reverse the settlement before the most recent settlement then you must reverse the last settlements first, i.e., in chronological order.
AJAB Year-end Closing Asset Accounting
This transaction is used to close the fiscal year. Enter the company code and fiscal year to close. After this transaction has been executed, postings or value changes can no longer be made in asset accounting. This transaction must be run before transaction AJRWcanbesuccessfullyexecuted.
AJRW Asset Fiscal Year Change
Use this transaction to open the new fiscal year. Enter the company code and new fiscal year. Note that the transaction has to be run for the whole company code and will carry over asset values from the previous year to the current year. Run this transaction after the previous year has been closed, i.e., after transaction AJAB.
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Financial Accounting (FI) 1
AR01 Asset Balances

This transaction is a report on asset balances in a depreciation area. It can be used in con- junction with transaction AR31 in order to make mass changes to assets via a worklist. The following values are displayed: cumula- tive acquisition value at the beginning of the fiscal year, accumulated depreciation and the planned book value at the end of the report- ing year. After the report has been run, create and save the worklist and then execute the worklist via transactionAR31.
AR11 Investment Support
This transaction reports on all assets with at least one investment support key. If required, you can have SAP directly post the support amounts determined. The transaction types for the posting are determined from the investment support measure.
AR31 Edit Worklist
This transaction, in conjunction with transac- tionAR01 can be used tomakemass changes to assets. Process the worklist created using transaction AR01.
AS01 Create Asset
This transaction creates an asset master record. A company code and an asset class are required. The asset class will determine the default values in the general assetmaster data section and the depreciation area sec- tion. There is also an option to create multiple similar assets at one time. The asset classwill structure the asset in terms of the number assignment, the general ledger postings, and terms of depreciation, e.g., useful life of the asset, etc.
AS02 Change Asset
Use this transaction to change an asset master record. The asset class will determine the values available to change in the general asset master data section and the depreciation area section.
AS03 Display Asset
Use this transaction to display an asset master record. The asset class will determine the val- ues displayed in the general asset master data section and the depreciation area section.
AS04 Changes Asset
Use this transaction code to report all changes to the assetmaster. Enter the company code, and asset number. There is the option to select the sub number, depreciation area, changed by user ID, and changed from date. There is also the option to select from a specific date, time, and the individual making the change. The report output will display the fields changed with the option to drill down and display the old field, new field, and date changed.
AS05 Block Asset
Use this transaction to block an asset. Enter the asset number, sub number (if any), and company code to block any further acquisi- tion values being posted to the asset.
AS06 Delete Asset
Use this transaction if the asset has no value and does not need to remain in SAP. Enter the asset number, sub number (if any), and company code. Then on the next screen, set the radio button to physically delete the asset from SAP.

1 Financial Accounting (FI)
AS11 Create Sub Number
Use this transaction to sub divide the main asset in order to, for example, value the asset or account for the costs separately. The sub number is assigned sequentially starting with the number 1. Furthermore, it is possible to account for subsequent acquisition of an asset separately by year of acquisition using the sub number. This can be a requirement if the indicator Acquisition only in the year of capitalization is set in the depreciation key.
AS22 Create Group Asset
Use this transaction if there is a need to manage and depreciate an asset at a higher level than the individual asset, for instance, in the US, according to the Asset Deprecia- tion Range (ADR) system. The group asset is maintained in the sameway as an individual asset except that a specific depreciation area is assigned. To assign an individual asset to a group asset, you can use transaction AS01 and then within the specific deprecation area, assign the asset the group asset number.
AS23 Display Group Asset
This transaction is used to display the group assetmaster, which has the same views as an individual asset except it includes a specific depreciation area which groups assets for the calculation and posting of depreciation.
AS25 Block Group Asset
Use this transaction to block postings to a group asset. Use transaction AS05 to block postings to individual assets.
AUN0 Analysis of an Asset and
Its Environment: Data Collect. and Analysis
This report displays the environment of an asset (master data, annual values, line items, control parameters) in order to facilitate the analysis of problems that might arise.
AUVA Incomplete Assets – Detail List
This transaction reports on asset master records based on a completeness indicator. The following indicators are possible:
E 0—Asset is complete (all required asset master fields have been maintained)
E 1—Asset is incomplete but can be posted
E 2—Asset is incomplete and cannot be posted (essential fields needed for post- ing are missing)
E 3—Asset is incomplete (cst ctr, int.order, activ.type missing)
E 4—Asset is incomplete (investment account assignmentmissing)
AW01N Asset Explorer
This transaction can be used to display asset values including acquisition and production costs and depreciation. In the header section, enter a company code, asset number, sub number (if any) and fiscal year. The overview section enables an analysis of planned asset value and posted values, with the ability to tab through the depreciation areas. There are many ways to explore the value of an asset using this reporting tool, for example, view- ing the depreciation calculation and drilling down to the general ledger posting.
BPC1 Create Business Partner
Use this transaction to create a business part- ner in order to conduct treasury transactions. For example, to invest a liquidity surplus,
20 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)
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you must first create a financial institution as a business partner, in order to conclude the investment. The business partner can be an organization, natural person, or collective partner. The grouping field will determine the business partner numbering, and the role category will determine the functions that can be performed with the business partner, such as paying bank, borrower, and ultimate borrower.
BPC2 Change Business Partner
Use this transaction to change the business partner used for treasury transactions. The fields that can be changed will be deter- mined by the role category of the business partner.
BPC3 Display Business Partner
This transaction is used to display the busi- ness partner created for treasury transactions. There are three main areas of the master data: central data (name, address, bank details, etc.), general data (role data, credit stand- ing, tax data, etc.) and company code data (account information, payment data, dunning data, etc.).
BPC4 Create Business Partner
from Customer
Use this transaction to create a business partner from a customer master record that already exists in FI. Enter the grouping and role category as you would with transaction BPC1 and the customer master number. The business partner related data is then transferred.
BPC5 Change Business Partner
with Customer Reference
This transaction can be used to change a business partner by linking a customer mas- ter data that already exists in FI. Enter the
business partner number, the role category, and the customer number.
BPCD Change Documents
(Business Partner)
This transaction reports the log of change documents associated with changes made to the business partner master data. The date changed, user ID of the individual making the change and the old/new field contents are reported.
CRF1 Payment Cards: Read, Display, Check, Save Incoming File
This transaction imports into SAP the inbound file of a payment card company with the data records of the individual card transactions for the process Payment card processing in Financial Accounting. The data file must be in data format CRFLATFILE, and all fields, including the amount fields, in character for- mat. From the data of the inbound file, the program creates a payment card file that can be saved. In doing so, the data records are converted in such a way that FI account docu- ments can be generated from them. Enter card type and the location of the inbound file.
CRF2 Payment Cards: Delete Saved File
Use this transaction to delete the file saved when executing transaction CRF1. Enter year, period, card type, and card file number.
CRF3 Payment Cards: Display File, Create Postings, Edit Log
Use this transaction to generate financial postings from the payment card data file generated using transaction CRF1. Enter year, period, card type, and card file number. Check the Create accounting documents box to generate the financial postings.

1 Financial Accounting (FI)
F.03 Financial Accounting ComparativeAnalysis
This transaction reconciles posted financial transaction documents with the totals tables/ application indexes in accounts payable, accounts receivable, and the general ledger. Differences in the application indexes can be caused by changing the Line item display setting in the G/L account. For more informa- tion, see OSS note 31875. SAP recommends that the transaction be run for closed periods and in background.
F.05 Foreign Currency Valuation
Use this transaction to revalue open items that have been posted in a foreign currency or have a balance sheet general ledger account that is managed in a foreign currency. The valuation can be carried out in the local cur- rency or a parallel local currency (i.e., group currency). The result of the valuations can be stored per valuated document and posted to adjustment accounts and P&Laccounts.
F.7 Carry Forward Receivables/Payables

This transaction calculates and carries for- ward the financial balance for vendors and customers from the previous year to the new fiscal year as part of the year end closing process. When posting into a previous year, the system carries forward the balance auto- matically, regardless ofwhether the program has been executed. SAP recommends that the program be run at the beginning of the new fiscal year.
F.8 G/L: Account Balances

Use this transaction to report general ledger balances by account, company code, chart of accounts, reporting period(s), business area, and currency. The report displays, by general
ledger account, business area and currency, the balance carried forward, credit totals per reporting period, debit totals per reporting period, and accumulated balance. Totals for all company codes are displayed at the end of the report.
F.9 G/L: Account List

Use this transaction to display a list of general ledger accounts. Selection criteria include chart of accounts, company code, and various details on the general ledger master record such as account control and cash manage- ment indicators.
F.10 Chart of Accounts

Use this report to display a list of general ledger accounts that may or may not be set up as master records at the company code level. The output displays a list of general ledger accounts and the description of each account. Also by double-clicking the general ledger account, the user is taken to transaction FSP0 which displays the general ledger account at the chart of accounts level including the description of the account and a profit and loss or balances sheet indicator.
F.13 Automatic Clearing

This transaction is used to clear open items automatically in the general ledger, customer or vendor accounts. TableV_TF123 ismain- tained to set the criteria used to clear open items. Selection criteria when executing the transaction include company code, fiscal year, assignment, document number, posting date and selection range of accounts. The transac- tion can be executed in test mode before posting the clearing in update mode.
22 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)
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F.14 Create Posting Documents

from Recurring Documents
This transaction is used to post recurring documents created using transaction FBD1. Company code, document number, and fiscal year can be selected as well as general selec- tion criteria. A settlement period is required and a run schedule, which determines the posting period, can be used. The transaction creates a batch input session, which posts the financial documents and updates the recur- ring reference document in the header.
F.15 Recurring Entry Documents

Use this transaction to display recurring docu- ments created using transaction FBD1. The output displays documents that are to be posted in a particular time period. Further- more, the list displays documents that have not been posted and will be posted during the next run of the recurring entry program, i.e., F.14.
F.19 AnalyzeGR/IRClearing Accounts and Display Acquisition Tax

This transaction analyzes the goods receipt/ invoice receipt (GR/IR) clearing accounts at a specified key date and generates adjust- ment postings if necessary. The general ledger account requires an adjustment in order to display correctly in the balance sheet: goods delivered but not invoiced, and goods invoiced but not delivered. In some coun- tries, the input tax on goods delivered but not paid for can also be deducted.
F.1A Grouping Customer/ Vendor Master Records
This transaction enables you to group customers and vendors into intervals of a particular size or into a particular number
of intervals. You can then use the informa- tion, for example, when creating variants for balance confirmation programs if youwould like to schedule several jobs in parallel in the background.
F.20 Customer List

Use this transaction to display a list of cus- tomers. Selection criteria include customer, company code, and many of the data sets on the customer master record.
F.21 List of Customer Line Items

This transaction is used to report customer line items in accounts receivable. Selection criteria include customer, company code, and many of the data sets on the customer master record. There are various ways to format the report layout; however, if drill down capabil- ity is required, then use transaction FBL5N.
F.22 Customer Evaluation with OI Sorted List

This transaction is used to report open cus- tomer line items in accounts receivables on a key date. The accounts receivable balance can be grouped into accounts receivable days outstanding. Up to five groupings may be selected.
F.23 CustomerBalances in LocalCurrency

Use this transaction to report on customer balances that are displayed for particular months. Various formatting options are avail- able, but there is no drill-down capability to the actual lines items. Use transaction FBL5N for drill-down capability.
1 Financial Accounting (FI)
F.24 Calculate Interest on Arrears

This transaction calculates interest on open customer line items that have not been paid or were paid too late. A letter is generated at a chosen level of detail, such as the inter- est rate used and the line items selected. Postings are automatically generated to the customer account and the interest received/ paid account. There are three variants of this transaction: F.2A without open items, F.2B with open items, and F.2C without postings.
F.25 Bill of Exchange List

Use this transaction to view the bill of exchange list, which is a subsidiary ledger containing all the essential data of incom- ing bill of exchange receivables. The day of expiration of the bill of exchange and the address data of the issuer are included in this list. The list contains all open bills of exchange as of a key date, and depending on the selection parameter, also displays cleared bills of exchange.
F.26 Customer InterestScale

This transaction is used to calculate interest on the balance on a customer’s account. Use this transaction, for example, to calculate interest on the staff loan accounts managed in accounts receivable. Select the customer account, company code, calculation period and an interest indicator. The interest indica- tor contains control settings for the interest calculation, such as the interest rate. Use transaction F.24 to calculate interest on cus- tomer open items in arrears.
customer master setting and the table for financial statement correspondence requests is updated. In a second step the correspon- dence request is printed out. Account statements can also automatically be printed periodically, without a request having been made, if the customer has a corresponding key for this in the master record.
F.28 SD, FI: Recreation of Credit Data after
Organizational Changes
This transaction is used to recreate credit con- trol data after organizational changes such as, assignment of the credit control area, currency of the credit control area and risk class in the customer master. On the FI side if, for example, the classification of a difference reason, as a disputed item or on-disputed item was changed, this program also needs to be executed. The program reads all open items and determines the new amount in the credit control area currency and correct credit control area. On the SD side, the report updates credit data (credit control area, credit account, credit currency, credit value, risk class) in sales documents.
F.31 Credit Overview

This transaction reports on a customer’s credit data. Selection criteria for the report include credit account, credit control area as well as other credit master record data. Output from the report can include address data, credit limit, account balance and special general ledger balance of each customer in the list, dunning data, days in arrears and open items.
F.27 Periodic Account Statements

Use this transaction to generate account statements or open items lists for custom- ers manually. Customers are selected via a
F.32 Customers with Missing Credit Data

This transaction checks on missing credit data. For example, checks for any missing
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central data of the credit master or missing credit control data. Furthermore the report will also check if there are any company codes that do not refer to credit control data. Out- put from the report will display missing credit data statistics.
F.35 Credit Master Sheet
The credit master sheet is used to display and print the customer master data of an indi- vidual account, which is needed in the area of credit management. It is also possible to call this report from the accounts receivable line item display and account analysis trans- actions. The following output is displayed: address data, credit limit, account balance, payment history on a control area level, days in arrears and open items. Transaction S_ALR_87012218canalsobeused.
F.38 Deferred Tax Transfer
Use this transaction when deferring taxes on sales and purchases. Normally, tax on sales and purchases is reported when an invoice is issued. The tax payable amount is calculated as the balance of the input and output taxes and cleared in the subsequent period. The tax for some transactions, such as services, can be deducted only on settlement. This is common in France (output and input tax) and Italy (input tax). This transaction will transfer the deferred tax posting to the regular tax account upon payment for the services.
F.40 Vendor List

Use this transaction to display a list of ven- dors. Selection criteria include customer, company code and many of the data sets on the customer master record.
F.41 List of Vendor Line Items

This transaction is used to report vendor line items in accounts payable. Selection criteria include vendor, company code and many of the data sets on the vendor master record. There are various ways to format the report layout; however, if drill-down capability is required, then use transaction FBL1N.
F.42 Vendor Balances in LocalCurrency

Use this transaction to report on vendor balances, which are displayed for particular months. Various formatting options are avail- able, but there is no drill-down capability to the actual lines items. Use transaction FBL1N for drill-down capability.
F.44 Vendor Interest Scale
This transaction is used to calculate interest on the balance on a vendor account. Select the vendor account, company code, calcu- lation period, and an interest calculation indicator. The interest indicator contains the control settings for the interest calculation, such as the interest rate.Use transaction F.47 to calculate interest on vendor open items overdue.
F.47 Calculate Interest on Arrears
This transaction calculates interest on vendor open items that have not been paid or were paid too late. A letter is generated at a cho- sen level of detail, such as the interest rate used and the line items selected. Postings are automatically generated to the vendor account and interest received/paid account. There are three variants for this transactions namely, F.4A without open items, F.4B with open items and F.4C without postings.

1 Financial Accounting (FI)
F.50 ProfitandLossAdjustment

Use this transaction in conjunction with the classic general ledger. The transaction is used to distribute cash discounts and/or exchange rate differences to the appropriate profit cen- ters, business areas, profitability segments or other coding block assignments when a default assignment is made. The system uses the account assignments of the offsetting entries in the initial document to calculate the distribution.
F.51 General Ledger Line Items

This transaction is used to report general led- ger line items. The selection criteria include general ledger account, company code and many of the data sets on the general ledger master record. There are variousways to for- mat the report layout; however, if drill-down capability is required, then use transaction FBL3N.
F.52 G/L Account Interest Scale

This transaction is used to calculate interest on a balance in the general ledger. Select the general ledger account, company code, calculation period, and an interest calculation indicator. The interest indicator contains the control settings for the interest calculation, such as the interest rate.
F.53 Account Assignment Manual

Use this transaction to report the long text for each G/L account. Selection can be made via the chart of accounts, the company code or a combination of these specifications. You can add the key word in the G/L account assignment manually by using the selection parameters.
F.56 Delete Reference Documents
Use this transaction to delete either reference documents (doc type D) or sample documents (doc type M) or both. The deletion indica- tor must be set on the document before the deletion can take effect. There is also a test run indicator.
F.58 Open Item Account BalanceAudit Trail from theDocument File
This transaction reports on transactions con- cerning customer accounts, vendor accounts, and G/L accounts that are managed on an open item basis. Output can be configured andmanipulated usingABAPList Viewer.
F.5D Calculate Balance Sheet Adjustment
Use this transaction in conjunction with the classic general ledger. The transaction is used to distribute accounts payable, accounts receivable, taxes, cash discounts and valuated exchanges rate differences in open items, to the appropriate profit center or business area. The system uses the account assignments of the offsetting entries in the initial document to calculate the distribution.
F.5E Post Balance Sheet Adjustment
Use this transaction to post the adjustments calculated in transaction F.5D. Enter the com- pany code, key date of open items (payables and receivables) and a lower date limit for tax (posting date up to which no tax distribu- tion takes place because, for instance, the tax return has already taken place). Also, there are selection options for actual postings to take place and log generation. Follow-up transactions are also available to display the log (transaction F.5F) and re-determine the adjustment accounts if they were to be changed in configuration.
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F.64 Maintain Correspondence

This transaction is used to create a corre- spondence request such as a statement of an account that can be delivered to a cus- tomer. Enter the correspondence code, the company code, and the master data type, for example D for customers and open item account. Once the correspondence has been generated, a preview button can be selected, and then the preview may be printed. The follow-on transactions, F.61 (print internal documents), F.62 (print requests) and F.63 (delete requests), may also be used to control the print function.
F.80 Mass Reversal of Documents

Use this transaction to make mass reversals of financial posting documents. Selection includes company code, document number, fiscal year and account type. The posting date is today’s date by default but must be within the current posting period. All docu- ments selected in test mode are not reversed. Use transaction FB08 for a single financial document.
F.81 ReverseAccrual/ Deferral Documents

This transaction is used to reverse the accrual posting made using transaction FBS1. The reverse posting date is specified in the accrual document. The transaction can be run in test or update mode.
F.98 Application Tree Report Selection Vendors

Use this transaction to access a grouping of reports or functions in the vendor/accounts payable area. The tree display can be custom- ized using transaction SE43N.
F.99 Application Tree Report SelectionCustomers

Use this transaction to access a grouping of reports or functions in the customer/accounts receivable area. The tree display can be cus- tomized using transaction SE43N.
F-1 Enter Sample Document Header Data

This transaction creates a sample document that can be used as a reference when posting a financial document. Sample documents have a separate number range and do not update transaction figures. The sample document can be transferred to an actual posting docu- ment, but you cannot make any changes at time of entry.
F-2 Enter G/L Account Posting: Header Data

Use this transaction to post a general ledger transaction. The default document type can be customized and there are also numerous entry options available via transaction FB00. Select company code, posting date, document date, currency, document header text and then enter line items and post.
F.97 Application Tree Report SelectionGeneral Ledger
Use this transaction to access a grouping of reports or functions in the general ledger area. The tree display can be customized using transactionSE43N.
F-3 Clear G/L Account: Header Data

Use this transaction to process open items on a general ledger account. This process is not initiated by another event and requires the appropriate credits and debits to exist on the general ledger account to enable

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clearing. This transaction differs from a Post with Clearing transaction (transaction F-04) in that you do not need to enter a document header: simply match existing open items and clear from one account.
F-4 Post with Clearing: Header Data

Use this transaction to post and clear deb- its and credits from across multiple general accounts/open items. The posting header data is entered followed by the offset account and amount. Then open items can be chosen, processed and saved with a unique clearing number and date. This process will allow the user to select multiple open items and select debit and credit amounts for clearing against each other. Transaction FB05 can also be used.
F-5 Post Foreign Currency Valn: Header Data

This transaction is used to postmanual reval- uation adjustments as a result of a foreign currency valuation but this can also be done automatically using transaction F.05.
F-6 Post Incoming Payments: Header Data

Use this transaction to post and clear open line items. This transaction is similar to F-30 but specifically used for processing incoming payments. Enter the document header data, the bank posting data to which the offset posting will be cleared and then select the customer or vendor account(s). Then activate and save the open items to be cleared, which will generate a unique clearing number and date.
F-7 Post Outgoing Payments: Header Data

Use this transaction to post and clear open line items. This transaction is similar to F-30 but specifically used for processing outgoing payments. Enter the document header data, the bank posting data to which the offset posting will be cleared and then select the customer or vendor account(s), Then activate and save the open items to be cleared, which will generate a unique clearing number and date.
F-19 Reverse Statistical Posting: Header Data

Use this transaction to reverse a statistical posting that can be made to a special general ledger account. For example, to reverse a bill of exchange liability once the due date for recourse has passed.
F-20 Reverse Bill Liability: Header Data

Use this transaction to clear bills of exchange receivables on the customer account, the spe- cial G/L account and the contingent liability account after the expiration date and the country-specific protest period has elapsed. Thus there is no longer any recourse liability (bill of exchange liability).
F-21 Enter Transfer Posting: Header Data

Use this transaction to transfer a value from one customer to (usually) another customer. The posting keys will determine which type of sub ledger or general ledger account can be posted to. Since this transfer happens without clearing, you run this transaction without selecting open items and there- fore the amount you are transferring is not dependent on any prior postings to that cus-
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tomer. Editing options can be maintained via transactionFB00.
F-22 Enter Customer Invoice: Header Data

Use this transaction to post a manual cus- tomer invoice directly in the finance module as opposed to an invoice originating in the sales and distribution module. The docu- ment type and posting keys will determine which type of sub ledger or general ledger can be posted to. Since the invoice posts without clearing you run this transaction without selecting open items and therefore the amount you are posting is not dependent on any prior postings to that customer. Edit- ing options can be maintained via transaction FB00.
F-23 Return Bill of Exchange Pmt Request: Header Data

This transaction is used to reverse a bill of exchange request posted using transaction FBW1. Bill of exchange requests are special bills of exchange receivables that are issued not by the customer but by you. Bill of exchange payment requests are sent to the customer for acceptance, so use this trans- action if the request is not accepted. These transactions are common in Italy, France, and Spain.
F-25 Reverse Check/Bill of Exchange:HeaderData

Use this transaction to clear bills of exchange receivables on a customer account, special G/L account and the contingent liability account after the expiration date and the country-specific protest period has elapsed. Therefore, there is no longer any recourse liability (bill of exchange liability). Transac- tion F-20 also performs the same function but has additional functionality, for example, processing failed payments.
F-26 Incoming Payments Fast

Entry: Header Data
This transaction can be used to process cus- tomer receipts by rapidly entering payments and clearing documents. Types of transactions include manual deposits, manually entering wire transfers or advice of credit (payments to credit the customer’s account).
F-27 Enter Customer Credit Memo: Header Data

Use this transaction to post a manual cus- tomer credit memo directly in the finance module as opposed to a credit memo origi- nating in the sales and distribution module. The document type and posting keys will determine which type of sub ledger or general ledger can be posted to. Since the invoice posts without clearing, you run this transaction without selecting open items and therefore the amount you are posting is not dependent on any prior postings to that customer. Editing options can be maintained via transactionFB00.
F-28 Post Incoming Payments: Header Data

This transaction posts an incoming payment to a customer account and clears the open item. Enter the clearing document header (bank information and customer informa- tion), select a clearing transaction, choose open items you want to clear, process the items selected and post the clearing docu- ment. You also have the option to post additional line items as part of the clearing process. This posting is not integrated with the sales and distribution module.
F-29 Post Customer Down Payment: Header Data

Use this transaction to record a down pay- ment received from a customer. A down

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payment can be recorded with or without a down payment request (a down payment request is a noted line item on the customer account that can be recorded via transaction F-37). A down payment is recorded, via a special general ledger indicator, to a general ledger account other than accounts receiv- able and then is cleared against the customer invoice using transaction F-39.
F-30 Post with Clearing: Header Data

Use this transaction to post and clear debits and credits from across multiple customer accounts. The posting header data is entered followed by the offset posting account and amount. Open items can be chosen, pro- cessed and saved with a unique clearing number and date. This process will allow the user to select multiple open items and select debit and credit amounts for clearing against each other.
F-31 Post Outgoing Payments: Header Data

Use this transaction to create a debit to a customer account. Enter the clearing docu- ment header (bank information and customer information), select a clearing transaction, choose open items you want to clear, pro- cess the items selected and post the clearing document. You also have the option to post additional line items as part of the clearing process. This posting is not integrated with the sales and distribution module and is used, for example, if a manual credit refund is needed.
Customer account clearing differs from a Post with Clearing transaction (transaction F-30) or a Post with Payment transaction (transac- tion F-28) in that you do not need to enter a document header: simply match existing open items, and you can only clear open items from one account.
F-33 Post Bill of Exchange Usage: Header Data

Use this transaction to record the deposit of the bill of exchange at the bank. A bill of exchange can be discounted at a bank in advance of its due date (discounting). The bank buys the bill of exchange from you. Since it does not receive the amount until the date recorded on the bill, it charges you inter- est (discount) to cover the period between receiving the bill of exchange and its eventual payment. Some form of handling charge is also usually levied. The accounting entries are debit bank account, credit bill of exchange contingent liability account and debit bank charges/discount. Use transaction F-20 to reverse contingent liability.
F-34 Post Collection: Header Data

Use this transaction if a bill of exchange is either presented to your customer for pay- ment on the due date, or is deposited at a bank shortly before the due date for collec- tion. The bank usually charges a collection fee for this service. The accounting entries are debit bank account, credit bill of exchange contingent liability account and debit bank charges/discount. Use transaction F-20 to reverse the contingent liability.
F-32 Clear Customer: Header Data
Use this transaction to process open items on a customer’s account. This process is not initiated by another event and requires the appropriate credits and debits to exist on the customer account to enable clearing.
F-35 Post Forfaiting: Header Data

Use this transaction if you sell your bill of exchange receivable abroad (forfaiting). When you use the bill in this way (otherwise known as non-recourse financing of receiv- ables) you are, upon the sale of the bill, freed
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from any liability to recourse. The accounting entries are debit bank account, credit bill of exchange contingent liability account and debit bank charges/discount. Use transaction F-20 to reverse the contingent liability.
F-36 Bill of Exchange Payment: Header Data

Use this transaction to record the accep- tance by the customer of a bill of exchange. The posting will transfer the open accounts receivable to a bill of exchange receivable account, via a special general ledger indica- tor. The outstanding receivable can still be displayed as part of the customer’s open line item list.
F-37 Customer Down Payment

Request: Header Data
This transaction is used to post a down pay- ment request, which is a noted item on a customer’s account and does not update the general ledger balances. The down payment request is posted to a special general led- ger account that can be viewed in accounts receivable line item display as a noted item. A customer down payment request can be used by the dunning program to remind a customer of a down payment due.
F-38 Enter Statistical Posting: Header Data

Use this transaction to post a noted special general ledger posting, for example, letters of credit or performance guarantee for a customer. The offset posting is to the same general ledger account, which makes this a statistical posting that is not displayed in the financial statement version. Use transaction F-19 to reverse a statistical posting.
F-39 Clear Customer Down Payment: Header Data

This transaction is used to clear a customer down payment manually against a customer’s invoice manually. Use the customer’s invoice as a reference to clear the special general ledger account and record the accounts receivable. The customer down payment can also be cleared automatically using the payment program.
F-40 Bill of Exchange Payment: Header Data

This transaction is used to transfer an open accounts payable item to a bill of exchange payable account via a special general ledger indicator. The outstanding payable can still be displayed as part of the vendor’s open items line item list.
F-41 Enter Vendor Credit Memo: Header Data

Use this transaction to post a manual vendor credit memo directly in the finance module, as opposed to originating in logistics invoice verification. The document type and posting key will determine which type of sub ledger or general ledger account can be posted to. Since the invoice posts without clearing, you run this transaction without selecting open items and therefore the amount you are posting is not dependent on any prior postings to that vendor. Editing options can be maintained via transaction FB00.
F-42 Enter Transfer Posting: Header Data

Use this transaction to transfer a value from one account to another. The posting keys will determine which type of sub ledger or general ledger account can be posted to. Since this transfer happens without clearing, you run this transaction without selecting open

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items and therefore the amount you are transferring is not dependent on any prior postings to that account. Editing options can be maintained via transaction FB00.
F-43 Enter Vendor Invoice: Header Data

Use this transaction to post a manual ven- dor invoice directly in the financemodule as opposed to an invoice originating via logistics invoice verification. The document type and posting keys will determine which type of sub ledger or general ledger can be posted to. Since the invoice posts without clearing, you run this transaction without selecting open items and therefore the amount you are posting is not dependent on any prior postings to that vendor. Editing options can be maintained via transaction FB00.
F-44 Clear Vendor: Header Data

Use this transaction to process open items on a vendor account. This process is not initiated by another event and requires the appropriate credits and debits to exist on the vendor account to enable clearing. This vendor account clearing transaction differs from a Post with Clearing transaction (trans- action F-52) in that you do not need to enter a document header: simply match existing open items, and you can only clear open items from one account.
F-47 Down Payment Request: Header Data
This transaction is used to post a down pay- ment request for advances to vendors. The posting is a noted item on a vendor account and does not update the general ledger bal- ances. The down payment request is posted to a special general ledger account that can be viewed in accounts payable line item dis- play as a noted item. A vendor check can be printed and posted using transaction F-58
in reference to a vendor’s down payment request.
F-48 Post Vendor Down Payment: Header Data

Use this transaction to record a down pay- ment made to a vendor. A down payment can be recorded with or without a down pay- ment request (a down payment requested is a noted line item on the vendor account that can be recorded via transaction F-47). A down payment is recorded, via a special general ledger indicator, to a general ledger account other than the accounts payable account and then is cleared against the vendor invoice using transaction F-54.
F-49 Customer Noted Item

Use this transaction to post a noted item on a customer’s account using a special general ledger account. A special general ledger account can be configured to not update account balances. This is also the case with a down payment request and bill of exchange payment request.
F-51 Post with Clearing: Header Data

Use this transaction to post and clear deb- its and credits from across multiple vendor accounts. The posting header data is entered followed by the offset posting account and amount. Open items can be chosen, pro- cessed and saved with a unique clearing number and date. This process will allow the user to select multiple open items and select debit and credit amounts for clearing against each other.
F-52 Post Incoming Payments: Header Data

This transaction posts an incoming payment to a vendor account and clears the open item,
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for example, to clear a credit memo. Enter the clearing document header (bank information and customer information), select a clearing transaction, choose open items you want to clear, process the items selected and post the clearing document. You also have the option to post additional line items as part of the clearing process. This posting is not integrated with the materials management purchasingmodule.
statement version. Use transaction F-19 to reverse a statistical posting.
F-56 Reverse Statistical Posting: Header Data
Use this transaction to reverse a statistical posting made with transaction F-55. Select the same vendor name and alternative rec- onciliation account used when posting via transaction F-55.
F-53 Post Outgoing Payments: Header Data

Use this transaction to post checks that have been created manually to pay a vendor (i.e., perhaps typed or hand-written checks). A check will not be generated in SAP but the vendor and cash accounts will be updated appropriately. Enter the clearing document header (bank information and vendor infor- mation), chose the open items you want to clear, process the items selected and post the clearing document. For automatic accounts payable payments, use transaction F110.
F-54 Clear Vendor Down Payment: Header Data

This transaction is used to clear a vendor down payment manually against a vendor’s invoice. Use the vendor’s invoice as a ref- erence to clear the special general ledger account and record the accounts payable entry. The vendor down payment can also be cleared automatically using the payment program via transaction F110.
F-55 Enter Statistical Posting: Header Data

Use this transaction to create a noted special general ledger posting, for example, letters of credit or performance guarantees for ven- dors. The offset posting is to the same general ledger account, which means these statistical postings are not displayed in the financial
F-57 Vendor Noted Item: Header Data

Use this transaction to post a noted item on a vendor’s account using a special general ledger account. A special general ledger account can be configured not to update account balances. This is also the case with down payment requests and bills of exchange payment requests.
F-58 Payment with Printout: Header Data

Use this transaction to post and printout checks where no open items exist to clear, for example, advance payments to vendors. Payments can be made with or without refer- ence to a payment request from transaction F-47 or F-59.
F-59 PaymentRequest

Use this transaction to process payment requests where there are no open items to clear. This transaction is used mostly in the treasury module, for example, where a busi- ness partner is a bank. Payment requests can be entered via transaction F-59 and then paid via transaction F111. Note that for each pay- ment request a clearing account is required per company code in customizing.

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F-62 Change View “Currency

This transaction is used to change foreign currency exchange rates. The exchange rates are arranged based on exchange rate types. Generally, the amounts posted in foreign cur- rencies are translated using exchange rate type M (standard translation at the average rate) to the local currency.
F-63 Park Document: Document Header Vendor Invoice

Use this transaction to enter and store (park) incomplete vendor invoices without carrying out extensive entry checks, such as the docu- ment being in balance. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date, if necessary by a different individual, using transaction FBV0. Parked documents can be processed online for reporting purposes from the moment they are parked. Transaction FV60, which is a single entry screen can, also be used.
F-64 Park Document: Document Header Customer Invoice

Use this transaction to enter and store (park) incomplete customer invoices without carry- ing out extensive entry checks, such as the document being in balance. Parked docu- ments can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date, if necessary by a dif- ferent individual, using transaction FBV0. Parked documents can be evaluated online for reporting purposes from the moment they are parked. Transaction FV70, which is a single entry screen can, also be used.
F-65 Park Document: Document HeaderGeneral Ledger

Use this transaction to enter and store (park) incomplete general ledger postings without carrying out extensive entry checks, such
as the document being in balance. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date, if necessary by a different individual,using transactionFBV0. Parked documents can be processed online for reporting purposes from the moment they are parked. Transaction FV50, which is a single entry screen, can also be used.
F-66 Park Document: Document Header Vendor Credit Memo

Use this transaction to enter and store (park) incomplete vendor credit memos without carrying out extensive entry checks, such as the document being in balance. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date, if necessary by a different individual,using transactionFBV0. Parked documents can be evaluated online for reporting purposes from the moment they are parked. Transaction FV65, which is a single entry screen, can also be used.
F-67 Park Document: Document Header Customer Credit Memo

Use this transaction to enter and store (park) incomplete customer credit memos without carrying out extensive entry checks. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date, if necessary by a different individual, using transaction FBV0. Parked documents can be evaluated for reporting purposes from the moment they are parked. Transaction FV75, which is a single entry screen, can also be used.
F-90 Acquisition from Purchase w. Vendor
Use this transaction to post an acquisition value or credit memo to an asset as a result of a purchase from a vendor. This transac- tion is integrated with accounts payable. An invoice is posted to an accounts payable
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vendor account and the offsetting entry is posted to the acquisition value of the asset. Use transaction ABZON where the acquisi- tion value is posted before the receipt of an invoice from the vendor.
F-91 AssetAcquis. Posted w/

Clearing Acct: Header Data
Use this transaction to post an acquisition value or credit memo to an asset, but, as opposed to transaction F.90, the offset account is a clearing account. This transac- tion is integrated with the general ledger. In this scenario, a vendor invoice or accumu- lated costs would be processed manually and posted to the offset account.
been saved, the program can be executed and payments generated. Furthermore, a log can be printed via transaction F110S.
F111 Automatic Payment Transactions for Payment Requests
Use this transaction to process an automatic payment request from a general ledger account. This transaction is used mostly in the treasury module, for example, where the business partner is a bank. Payment requests can be entered via transaction F-59. Note that for each payment request, a clearing account is required per company code in customizing.
F-92 Asset Retire. frm Sale w/

Customer: Header Data
Use this transaction to sell an asset and record an account receivable with a customer. (TransactionABAONcanbeusedforanasset retirement with revenue without customer.) Upon posting, the acquisition value and accu- mulated depreciation are reversed, a gain/ loss on the sale is recorded and the customer accounts receivable posted. Enter the asset number, document date, asset value date, and then, optionally, partial amounts can be entered and posted as opposed to retiring the whole asset.
F110 Parameters for Automatic Payment
This transaction is used for the automatic processing of open accounts payable. Select a run date and identification ID. Then input selection parameters including posting date, document entered up to date, com- pany code, method of payment (e.g., C for check). Selection can be narrowed further by vendor/customer account and free selec- tion. Defaults can be defined for the payment medium in customizing. Once selections have
F150 Dunning
This transaction is used to print dunning let- ters to, for example, customers who have an account in arrears. Enter a run data and identification ID. Enter parameters such as documents posted up to date, dunning date, company code and customers/vendors. Execute the program, check the log for any errors and then print out dunning letters.
FB00 Accounting Editing Options
This transaction is used to set user defined options for financial postings, open item management and displaying line items. For example, the foreign currency posting options can be suppressed when posting financial transactions and when clearing open items or an open item listing can be displayed as initially inactive when clearing.
FB01 Post Document: Header Data
Use this transaction for general financial post- ings. The document type will determine the type of financial posting, for example a gen- eral ledger posting or vendor invoice. Posting

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keys will determine whether a general ledger or sub ledger account is posted to.
FB01L General Posting for Ledger
Group: Header Data
This transaction is used to post a general led- ger entry utilizing the new general ledger functionality. The new general ledger facili- tates parallel accounting whereby a posting to a non leading ledger group can be made that satisfies local GAAP reporting require- ments but does not affect the group GAAP reporting requirements.
FB02 Change Document
Use this transaction to change a posted finance document. A limited number of fields can be changed such as the text and assignment field. A list of documents can also be viewed by clicking the Document list icon.
FB03 Display Document
This transaction is used to display a posted finance document. A list of documents can also be viewed by clicking the Document list icon.
chosen, processed and saved with a unique clearing number and date. This process will allow the user to select multiple open items and select debit and credit amounts for clear- ing against each other. Transaction F-04 can also be used.
FB08 Reverse Document: Header Data
Use this transaction to make a reversal of financial posting documents. Select the docu- ment number to be reversed, company code and fiscal year and the reason for reversal. The posting date defaults to today’s date but must be within an open posting period. Use transaction F.80 for multiple financial docu- ment reversals.
FB09 Change Line Items
Use this transaction to change a posted finance document at the line item level. A limited number of fields can be changed such as the text and assignment field. A list of documents can also be created by clicking the Document list icon. Also, there is the option to select just asset, customer, vendor or general ledger line items only.
FB04 Document Changes
Use this transaction to display changes to a posted finance document. There is a period option but this relates to just one document; however, multiple document selection is pos- sible by clicking Environment • Multiple Display.
FB09D Display Line Items
This transaction is used to display posted finance documents at the line item level. A list of documents can also be created by clicking the Document list icon. Also, there is the option to select just asset, customer, vendor or general ledger line items only.
FB05 Post with Clearing: Header Data
Use this transaction to post and clear deb- its and credits from across multiple general accounts/open items. The posting header data is entered followed by the offset posting account and amount. Then open items can be
FB11 Post Held Document: Header Data
Use this transaction to post a previously held financial document. Using the financial posting document transaction, for example, FB50, it is possible to hold an incomplete document, which SAP assigns a temporary
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document number. Enter the temporary document number and complete the docu- ment and then post. It is also possible to recall the temporary document number from the document posting transaction, FB50.
FB12 Request Correspondence
Use this transaction to create a correspon- dence request such as a customer’s request for an ad hoc account statement or an internal document. The follow-on transaction code, F-64, will maintain the contents of the cor- respondence and printout.
FB13 Release Line Item
Use this transaction to post or reject a posted document/line item for payment that has been created, for example, with an incoming invoice using workflow.
FB50 Enter G/L Account Document: CompanyCodeXXXX
Use this transaction for general financial postings. The document type will determine the type of financial posting, for example, a general ledger posting or vendor invoice. As opposed to transaction FB01, the post- ing keys are predefined in that postings can only be made to general ledger accounts via posting key 40 or 50.
FB50L Enter G/L Acct Document
for Ledger Group
This transaction is used to post a general led- ger entry utilizing the new general ledger functionality. The new general ledger facili- tates parallel accounting whereby a posting to a non leading ledger group can be made that satisfies local GAAP reporting require- ments but does not affect the group GAAP reporting requirements.
FB60 Enter Vendor Invoice:
Company Code XXXX
Use this transaction to post a vendor invoice. Both transactions FB60 and F-43 accom- modate the same business requirement; however, this transaction enables the posting to be made on a single entry screen. Also, the posting keys are predefined making the entry easier. This transaction is not integrated with materials management invoice verification, so posting is to the finance module only.
FB65 Enter Vendor Credit Memo: CompanyCodeXXXX
Use this transaction to post a vendor credit memo. Both transactions FB65 and F-41 accommodate the same business require- ment; however, this transaction enables the posting to be made on a single entry screen. Also, the posting keys are predefined making the entry easier. This transaction is not inte- grated with materials management invoice verification, so posting is to the finance module only.
FB70 Enter Customer Invoice:
Company Code XXXX
Use this transaction to post a customer invoice. Both transactions FB70 and F-22 accommodate the same business require- ment; however, this transaction enables the posting to be made on a single entry screen. Also, the posting keys are predefined mak- ing the entry easier. This transaction is not integrated with the sales and distribution billing module, so posting is to the finance module only.
FB75 Enter Customer Credit Memo: CompanyCodeXXXX
Use this transaction to post a customer credit memo. Both transactions FB75 and F-27 accommodate the same business requirement;

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however, this transaction enables the posting to be made on a single entry screen. Also, the posting keys are predefined making the entry easier. This transaction is not integrated with the sales and distribution billing module, so posting is to the finance module only.
FBCJ Cash Journal XXX Company Code XXX
Use this transaction to post cash receipts and payments. This transaction is facilitated by a single entry screen that can be saved and posted to the general ledger at a later date. Various periodic displays can be viewed and printed.
FBD1 Enter Recurring Entry: Header Data
This transaction is used to create a finan- cial posting on a recurring basis. The static amount is posted on a periodic basis by executing transaction F.14. The posting can be made using a specific interval as defined by the recurring document or a run schedule that can be created in customizing and used across many recurring documents.
FBD4 Recurring Document Changes
This transaction is used to display changes that have been made to a recurring document using transaction FBD2. There is an option to select from a specific date, time and the user ID of the individual having made the change.
FBD5 Realize Recurring Entry: Header Data
This transaction is used to change the param- eters of a recurring entry created using transaction FBD1, for example, the next run date. This transaction can also post at the same time.
FBE1 Create Payment Advice
Use this transaction to record a payment advice note from a business partner manu- ally. The payment advice note can be used to record the payment details including pay- ment amount, payment date and reference details about the payment. On the initial screen the payment advice note number can be assigned internally or externally.
FBD2 Change Recurring Document
Use this transaction to change the posting amounts or dates on a recurring document created using transaction FBD1. A list of recurring documents can be displayed by clicking the Document list icon.
FBE2 Change Payment Advice
Use this transaction to change a payment advice note created using transaction FBE1. A list of payment advice documents can be displayed by clicking the Document list icon.
FBD3 Display Recurring Document
Use this transaction to display a recurring document created by transaction FBD1. A list of recurring documents can be displayed by clicking the Document list icon.
FBE3 Display Payment Advice
Use this transaction to display a payment advice note created using transaction FBE1. A list of payment advice documents can be displayed by clicking the Document list icon.
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FBE6 Delete Payment Advice

Use this transaction to delete a payment advice note created using transaction FBE1. A list of payment advice documents can be displayed by clicking the Document list icon.
FBL1N Vendor Line Item Display
This transaction is used to report open/closed vendor line items in accounts payable on key dates. Selection criteria include vendor, company code and many of the data sets on the vendor master record. Drill-down capability into the actual vendor document is available, as are various list formatting options. Alternatively, transaction F.41 can be used, but this report does not have drill- down capability.
FBL3N G/L Account Line Item Display
Use this transaction to report open/closed vendor line items in accounts payable on key dates. Selection criteria include general ledger account, company code and many of the data sets on the general ledger master record. Drill-down capability into the actual vendor document is available, as are various formatting options. Alternatively, transaction
F.09 can be used, but this report does not have drill-down capability.
FBL5N Customer Line Item Display
This transaction is used to report open/closed customer line items in accounts receivable on key dates. Selection criteria include customer, company code and many of the data sets on the customer master record. Drill-down capability into the actual customer document is available as are various list formatting options. Alternatively, transaction F.20 can be used but this report, does not have drill- down capability.
FBM2 Change Sample Document
Use this transaction to change a sample document created using transaction F-01. A limited number of fields can be changed, for example, line item text and assign- ment, depending on customizing. Sample documents can be used as a reference when posting a financial document. Sample docu- ments have a separate number range and do not update transaction figures.
FBM3 Display Sample Document
This transaction is used to display a sample document, which can be used as a reference when posting a financial document. Sample documents have a separate number range and do not update transaction figures.
FBM4 Sample Document Changes
This transaction is used to display changes to a sample document. There is an option to select from a specific date, time and user ID of the individualmaking the change. Sample documents can be used as a reference when posting a financial document. Sample docu- ments have a separate number range and do not update transaction figures.
FBME SAP Easy Access Banks
Use this transaction to gain easy access to all relevant banking transactions.
FBR1 Post with Reference
Document: Header Data
This transaction is used to post a financial document using a previously posted finance document as a reference. Sample documents may also be used as a reference. This trans- action can also be accessed via the regular financial posting transaction, for example, FB50,FB60andFB70.

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FBRA Reset Cleared Items
Use this transaction to reset previously cleared items. Enter the clearing document, company code and fiscal year of the clearing posting. When resetting clearing postings, the clearing data is removed from the line items. This process will be utilized, for example, for opening misapplied payments or reversing/ reissuing credit refunds.
FBRC Reverse Clearing with
Payment Card Data
Use this transaction to reset previously cleared items using the payment card functionality. Enter the clearing document, company code, fiscal year and payment card itemnumber of the clearing posting. When resetting clear- ing postings, the clearing data is removed from the line items and reversal data, where it existed, is removed from the document header.
FBV0 Post Parked Document
This transaction is used to post a previously parked/stored document using FV50. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date, if necessary by a different individual. Parked documents can be posted either individually or via a list. To post several parked documents via a list, the system issues a list of parked documents for you to choose from. From this list, you can then carry out any necessary post process- ing to the parked document such as missing information/cost accounting assignment.
FBV2 Change Parked Document
Use this transaction to change a parked docu- ment. Changing a parked document is broken up into two transaction codes: FBV2 and FBV4. To change line item details use transac- tion code FBV2, while transaction code FBV4 is used to change header details.
FBS1 Enter Accrual/Deferral
Doc.: Header Data
Use this transaction to create an accrual posting. Selection is the same as a regular financial posting with the addition of a post- ing reversal reason and reverse posting date. Transaction F.81 can be executed on a peri- odic basis to reverse the posting made by this transaction.
FBU8 Reverse Cross-Company Code Transaction: Header Data
This transaction is used to reverse an intercom- pany financial posting.When intercompany postings are processed, two financial docu- ments are created (one in each company code) but they are linked via a cross-company reference number. Using this transaction and the reference number, both documents can be reversed at the same time.
FBV3 Display Parked Document
This transaction is used to display a parked document. Parked documents may be dis- played individually or via a list.
FBV4 Change Parked Document (Header)
Use this transaction to change a parked docu- ment. Changing a parked document is broken up into two transaction codes: FBV2 and FBV4. To change line itemdetails, use trans- action code FBV2, while transaction code FBV4 is used to change header details.
FBV5 Document Changes of
Parked Document
This transaction will allow the user to view the changes in a parked document. The user ID of the individual making the change and the date of the change can also be viewed.
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FBV6 Reject Parked Document

This transaction can be used in conjunction with workflow whereby a parked document can be routed to an approver and, using this transaction, the approver can reject the docu- ment. The rejected document is then routed back to the originator for processing. The document number or list of documents can be processed.
FBW1 Enter Bill of Exchange Payment Request: Header Data
Use this transaction to post special bills of exchange receivables that are not issued by the customer but by you. Bill of exchange payment requests are sent to the customer for acceptance, and bank bills are passed directly to a bank for financing. Bank bills are subject to a general agreement with the customer whereby the customer’s acceptance is not required. Both payment procedures are common in Italy, France, and Spain.
FBW6 Vendor Check/Bill of Exchange
Use this transaction to post a check/bill of exchange in accounts payable. You pay an invoice with a check and at the same time you send a bill of exchange to your vendor. The vendor is recorded on the bill of exchange as the drawer, and your company code is entered as the drawee. Your vendor returns the bill of exchange to you signed, enabling you to pass it on for bill of exchange usage.
FBZ0 Payment Proposal
This transaction is used to create a proposal list to be used in a payment run. Enter pro- posal date, proposal ID, paying and sending company code. Then enter the proposal parameters and, if required, display/edit the proposal list. Transaction F110 can be used to create both the proposal list and the payment run but these functions can be split up to accommodate a segregation of duties using this transaction.
FBW2 Post Bill of Exch. acc. to Pmt Request: Header Data
This transaction is used to post a bill of exchange in accordance with the bill of exchange request posted using transaction FBW2.
FBW5 Customer Check/Bill of
Use this transaction to post a check/bill of exchange in accounts receivable, which is sometimes referred to as a reverse bill of exchange. The customer pays an invoice by sending both a check and a reverse bill of exchange on which you are entered as the drawer. Once the due date and any country- specific protest period have elapsed, you cancel the liability.
FBZ5 Print Form for Payment Document
Use this transaction to reprint a check.
FBZ8 Display Payment Run
Use this transaction to display the payment run results. Enter proposal date, proposal ID, paying and sending company code. Trans- action F110 can be used to create, execute and display a payment run but this transac- tion may be used for segregation of duties purposes.
FCH1 Display Check Information
Use this transaction to display check informa- tion via the check number. From the check information display you can view the check recipient and check issuer aswell as branch-

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ing to display the corresponding payment and invoice documents.
FCH2 Payment Document Checks
Use this transaction to display check infor- mation via the payment document number. From the check information display you can view the check recipient and check issuer as well as branching to display the correspond- ing payment and invoice documents.
FCH3 Void Checks Not Used
This transaction is used to void checks before the print run has been executed. Checks may be voided if they have been accidentally damaged, stolen or rendered unused for any reason. Input the check numbers and the void reason code and then click Check and then Void.
FCH4 Renumber Checks
Use this transaction to renumber checks, for example, where a trail printout used more numbers than anticipated. This would lead to numbers of used checks not corresponding to the check numbers determined in the print run. Select the paying company code, house bank, account ID, check lot number range from/to, void reason code and then enter the first check number in the renumbering sequence and click Renumber.
FCH5 Create Check Information
This transaction is used for checks that have been issued manually and you want to link the payment document and the check. A separate number range for manually created checks is recommended.Allocate a payment document number to the check number and, if you want to input additional information, such as the name of the payee, click Enter, enter the data and save.
FCH6 Change Check Information/ Cash Check
Use this transaction to enter brief information about a check, such as the check recipient, as well as the date the check was cashed. If you are processing manual checks, you can correct the data saved.
FCH7 Reprint Check
This transaction is used when a check goes missing or is rendered unusable for any reason and requires reprinting. The original check is voided and a new check is reprinted.
FCH8 Cancel Check Payment
Use this transaction to reverse all cleared items after a check has been printed. This may be required if an incorrect check was selected to be paid. The check in question will be marked as void, the payment document reversed and the invoice set to open status ready for payment again.
FCH9 Void Issued Checks
Use this transaction to void checks after the print run has been executed. For example, checks that are not required because cash pay- ment has been chosen instead of a check. To void printed checks, enter the check number and void reason code and click Check and Void.
FCHD Delete Check Information on Payment Run
Use this transaction where the print program crashed, i.e., where the print management file is incomplete. Because there is no way verifying whether the data so far created is consistent, the only option is to delete the check information on the payment run. Enter the payment run in question and click Execute. In addition, you must delete
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the print management print jobs that were generated.
FCHE Delete Check Information
on Voided Checks
This transaction is used to delete information stored for unused checks that were incor- rectly voided. Enter the paying company code and the relevant check numbers.
FCHF Delete Information on
Checks CreatedManually
Use this transaction to delete information about a manually created check. Thismay be required if an incorrect check number was entered or check payment was unexpectedly not made.
FCHK SAPEasy AccessCheck Management
Use this transaction for easy access to the check management transaction codes. Alternatively, these transactions can also be accessed when executing the payment pro- gram via transaction F110.
FCHN Check Register
This transaction is the standard report for displaying the check register. The report gives an overview of the check information, for example, house bank issuing the check, check numbers issued, vendor or account number for which the check was created and outgoing payment document number.
FCHG Reset Check Information Data
This transaction is used if an issued check was mistakenly voided. The data can be reset, including check number and void reason code, etc. so that the check can become valid again and be cashed by the recipient.
FCHI Check Lots
This transaction is used to maintain check lots. A check lot contains a check number range and is used so that the check number in SAP corresponds to the printed check number. The print program uses the number range to link the check with the payment. Choose Create, enter the lot number, the check number range and the next lot number, click Enter and then enter a short descrip- tion of the check lot. The text will facilitate the assignment of the check lot to a user ID or printer.
FCHR Online Cashed Checks
Use this transaction to clear checks that have been cashed. If you receive the list of cashed checks in electronic form, you can import the list into SAP using programRFEBCK00. But if the bank sends the information in list form, then you can use this transaction to transfer the data. This transaction also clears the outgoing checks account and updates the bank account.
FCHX Check Extract Creation
This transaction is used to create a file con- taining data on checks issued to a certain house bank, more commonly known as a positive pay file. The bank can then use this file to detect any errors in incoming checks. Converting the data into a format required by the house bank may require running a custom developed program that supports the particular bank’s format.
FD01 Customer Create
This transaction is used to create general and company code views of the customermaster

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record. Customer master fields that are either optional or required fields, as determined by the account group, can be maintained. Use transaction XD01 to create the sales areas of the customer master for business partners, such as sold-to, ship-to, payer and bill-to.
FD02 Customer Change
This transaction is used to change the cus- tomer master record general and company code level data. Customer master data fields that are either optional or required, as deter- mined by the account groupwill be available to change. Use transaction XD02 to change the sales area data for business partners such as sold-to, ship-to, payer and bill-to.
FD03 Customer Display
This transaction is used to display the cus- tomer master general and company code level data only. To view the sales area data for busi- ness partners, such as sold-to, ship-to, payer and bill-to use transaction code XD03.
FD04 Customer Account Changes
Use this transaction code to report changes to the customer master general and company code level data. The report is by customer and company code. There is an option to select from a specific date, time and the user ID of the individual making the change. The report output will display the fields changed with the option to drill down and display the old field, new field value and date changed. Use transaction XD04 to view changes at the sales area data level.
FD05 Customer Block/Unblock
This transaction is used to block the customer master from using various transactions such as processing financial transactions. Use transaction XD05 to block/unblock at the sales area level.
FD06 Customer Flag for Deletion
Use this transaction to flag a customer master for deletion. The deletion flag can be set by company code or all company codes. Fur- thermore, the deletion flag can be set at the general area data and general area data includ- ing selected company code area data. The deletion flag will ensure that the customer cannot be used in transactional processing and can be included in the archiving process. Use transactionXD06 to flag the customer at the sales area level.
FD08 Customer Confirm Change
This transactionisusedwhentheDualmas- ter data control functionality has been activated and you want to confirm the change to a sensitive field for a single customer. Cer- tain fields can be flagged as sensitivefields, whichwill require a second user, using this transaction, to confirm the change. Creating orchangingsensitivefieldscanblock a ven- dor or customer (in the case of paying credit memos) from payment until the changes to the master record have been confirmed using this transaction.
FD09 Display/Confirm Critical
Customer Changes
This transactionisusedwhentheDualmas- ter data control functionality has been activated and you want to confirm the change to a sensitive field for a list of customers. Cer- tain fields can be flagged as sensitivefields, whichwill require a second user, using this transaction, to confirm the change. Creating orchangingsensitivefieldscanblock a ven- dor or customer (in the case of paying credit memos) from payment until the changes to the master record have been confirmed using this transaction.
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FD10N Customer Balance Display

Use this transaction to display a customer account balance. The account balance will show the opening balance (which is the carry forward balance from last year), total transactions per posting period broken down by debits and credits, balance per posting period and accumulated account balance. In addition to the above balances, the system displays the gross sales/purchases per period for each account. The balances from special G/L account transactions are also included in an account balance. The drill-down function enables the display of line items that make up the account balance.
FD10NA Customer Balance
Display with Worklist
Use this transaction to display a customer account balance with a worklist. A worklist allows you to display a range of customers. The account balance will show the opening balance (which is the carry forward balance from last year), total transactions per posting period broken down by debits and credits, balance per posting period and accumulated account balance. In addition to the above balances, the systemdisplays the gross sales/ purchases per period for each account. The balances from special G/L account transac- tions are also included in the account balance. The drill-down function enables the display of the line items that make up the account balance.
FD11 Customer: Initial Screen
Account Analysis
This transaction is used to perform an analy- sis of a customer or group of customers. In addition to displaying customer account bal- ances and line items (i.e., transaction FD10N) the account analysis function can also display data related to days in arrears, net/cash dis- count overview, payment history, and credit
history. This report provides the ability to drill down to document level detail, select various views/layouts for the report, and cus- tomize the layout and the data presented.
FD15 Transfer Customer Master Data from Source Company Code
This transaction is used to transfer customer master datamaintained in a source company code to other target company codes. Due to run time considerations there is a selection option to select only those customers for whom company code dependent data has changed since a specific date. Only data fields that are ready for input may be transferred, so it is recommended that the field control be the same. Execute the program in direct transfer mode and a batch input session is created and ready for processing. Customer master data can be written to a sequential file and processed via transaction FD16.
FD16 Transfer Customer Changes: Receive
Use this transaction to transfer customer master data to an external system. Once transaction FD15 has been executed to cre- ate a sequential file this transaction can be used to import the data and create a batch input session.
FD24 Credit Management Changes
Use this transaction to report any changes made to credit management master data for all accounts. This report will show the old to new field change, the date and user ID of the individual having made the change.
FD32 Customer Credit Management Change
This transaction is used to change a custom- er’s credit master. Fields that can be changed, for example, include the customer’s overall

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credit limit for all credit control areas, indi- vidual credit limit within a credit control area, the currency in which the customer’s credit information will be managed and risk category.
FD33 Customer Credit Management Display
Use this transaction to display the following data for a customer in a credit control area:
E Receivables from sales (unless they are marked as disputed items)
E Receivables from special G/L transactions, which are marked as credit limit-relevant (for example, down payments)
E Order value (consisting of open orders, deliveries and billing documents)
E Total liabilities (sum of the rest)
When you post a customer invoice, the sys- tem automatically adds the amount to the existing receivables or to receivables from a special G/L transaction, depending on the posting key involved. When the customer incoming payment is posted, the appropri- ate amount is subtracted from the existing receivables.
FDI0 Execute Drill-Down Report
This transaction is used to execute a drill- down report for customer account financial reporting. This type of interactive report allows drill-down capability from a basic list. You also have the option to switch the order in which the drill down occurs. Use transaction FDI1 to create the report.
FDI1 Create Drill-Down Report
Use this transaction to create a drill-down report in customer account financial report- ing. This type of interactive report allows drill-down capability from a basic list. You can define default values when creating a
report and navigation options for the drill- down list display.
FDI2 Change Report: Settings
Use this transaction to change a customer account financial report. This type of interac- tive report allows drill down capability from a basic list. You can definedefault valueswhen creating a report and navigation options for the drill-down list display.
FDI3 Display Report: Settings
Use this transaction to display the settings of a customer account financial drill-down report. This type of interactive report allows drill-down capability from a basic list. You can define default values when creating a report and navigation options for which a drill-down list can be displayed.
FDI4 Report Painter: Create Form
This transaction is used to create a form for a customer account financial drill-down report- ing. In a form you define the content and formal structure, which is displayed in the report in the detail list. Here you determine the characteristics and key figures, which you want to display in the report.
FDI5 Report Painter: Change Form
Use this transaction to change the settings of a form used in a customer account financial drill-down report. In a form you define the content and formal structure, which is dis- played in the report in the detail list. Here you determine the characteristics and key figures, which you want to display in the report.
FDI6 Report Painter: Display Form
Use this transaction to display the settings of a form used in a customer account financial drill-down report. In a form you define the
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content and formal structure, which is dis- played in the report in the detail list.
FEBA Edit Bank Statement
Use this transaction to manually post process a bank statement entered either automati- cally or manually because it is not always possible to clear all items automatically. Enter the application, company code, house bank, account ID and statement number. Double-click the bank details to display the statements for the bank. A green checkmark next to the statement indicates that the post- ings were processed without errors. A red cross next to the statement indicates that the account statement contains items that could not be posted. You have to post process these items
FEBP Post Electronic Bank Statement
This transaction is used if, for any reason, the posting that is generated from transaction FF.5 fails. This may occur, for example, if a user is working in a bank statement using transaction FEBA when transaction FF.5 is being executed. Normally, transaction FF.5 will import the electronic bank statement and generate the financial postings.
FF.5 Select Program: Import Electronic Bank Statement
This transaction is used to import an elec- tronic bank statement. This transaction allows the user to select the relevant program used by the bank statement format. The process is ideally automated whereby the banks are polled for prior-day statements. SAP makes a G/L entry to move the transactions from the G/L clearing accounts into the master bank G/L accounts. The import of electronic bank statements is aimed at a daily bank reconcili- ation process.
FF.6 Select Program: Display Electronic Bank Statement
Use this transaction to print the bank state- ment after import. You must enter a company code, house bank ID and account ID. If you do not enter a statement date or a statement number, you receive a printout of all the bank statements for this bank account.
FF_3 Cashed Checks per Bank Account
This transaction is used to report on the fol- lowing data:
E The average period outstanding for checks already cashed
E The average period outstanding for checks not yet cashed
E The number and amount total of checks currently outstanding
The program can be used as an alternative to determining the difference between the planned cash outflow and the actual cashing date. To do this, you must select the option Deviation from planning date.
FF_4 OutstandingChecksAnalysis per G/L Account and Vendor
Use this transaction to evaluate the out- standing period, i.e., the difference between cashing date and posting date, for each G/L account managed on an open-item basis for each vendor. To do this, you can select the date relevant for cashing the check. When you select the value date, it is taken from the check debit-line items. If the value date is not entered, the corresponding bank line items are taken to determine the value date. If several check debits exist for a clearing procedure and the value or document date of the check debit is used as the reference date, then the system tries to assign the check posting to the check debit by comparing the

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amount and the currency. The document creation dates are also compared (the check debit cannot lie before the check posting). If no assignment can be determined, the checks are ignored and they are not included in the calculation of the period outstanding.
You can place the average outstanding period calculated for each vendor into a batch input session. The report then checks whether the existing figure in the vendor master record field Check cashing time equals the one calculated. If this is not the case, the field is updated when the session is processed.
FF63 Create Memo Record
Use this transaction to post a credit memo for cash and liquidity planning purposes. You differentiate between the payment advice relevant for the cash position and the planned items relevant for the liquidity forecast. Alter- natively you can create memo records from the screen Display Cash Management and Forecast of the cash position to the liquid- ity forecast.
FF67 ProcessManual Bank Statement
Use this transaction to manually enter bank account statements you receive. Statement entry usually occurs in two steps. First, enter the account line items in the system. Various facilities support you during this step so that the line layout for entering account line items can be varied. In addition, the system sup- ports individual account determination and checks data consistency. Second, you post the line items you have entered. When you enter your data, payment advices that are created in Cash Management using memo record entry can be automatically transferred to the bank statement.
FF68 Edit Check Deposit List
This transaction is used to enter checks you receive. After the input is complete, you can access additional functions to further process the entered checks. On the entry screen, the system will display different fields for each account assignment variant you choose. Depending on the number of account assign- ment fields in a variant, up to three lines are available for entering a memo record.
FF6B Memo Records: List
Use this transaction for listing planning memo records of the cash position and the liquidity forecast created using transaction FF63.
FF73 Automatic Cash Concentration
Use this transaction to concentrate all of your cash account balances into one target account. The system generates a proposal for concentrating cash that is based on a predefined grouping. This proposal contains the day-end balance and the cash planning results, in other words, the expected account transfers. You can correct the proposal at any stage. The system prints the outcome of the cash concentration process in the form of payment orders to banks. It also creates the payment advices needed to determine the new bank account balances.
FF74 Access Automatic Cash
Concentration Using a Program
This transaction calls up transaction FF73, cash concentration and therefore allows you to use variants in cash concentration. How- ever, this process has the minor disadvantage that you see the start screen twice and so you must execute the program twice.
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FF7A Cash Position

Use this transaction to gain an understanding of a company’s liquidity status. The system offers you two evaluation reports, with which you can edit various views. Use transaction FF7A to view the cash position, which pro- vides a short-term view for monitoring the liquidity in bank accounts. Use transaction FF7B, the liquidity forecast to evaluate infor- mation for certain customers, vendors or sub ledgers in the mid/long term. The cash posi- tion and liquidity forecast together amount to the total liquidity of the company
FF7B Liquidity Forecast
Use this transaction to gain an understanding of a company’s liquidity status. The system offers you two evaluation reports, with which you can edit various views. Use transaction FF7A to view the cash position, which pro- vides a short-term view for monitoring the liquidity in bank accounts. Use transaction FF7B, the liquidity forecast to evaluate infor- mation for certain customers, vendors or sub ledgers in the mid/long term. The cash posi- tion and liquidity forecast together amount to the total liquidity of the company.
FGI0 Execute Drill-Down Report
This transaction is used to execute a drill- down report using the new general ledger functionality. This type of interactive report allows drill-downcapability from a basic list. You can also switch the order in which you drill down on the characteristics within the report. Use transaction FGI1 to create the report.
FGI1 Create Drill-Down Report
Use this transaction to create a drill-down report in the new general ledger. This type of interactive report allows drill down capabil- ity from a basic list. You can define default
values when creating the report and naviga- tion options for how the drill-down list is displayed.
FGI2 Change Report: Settings
Use this transaction to change a new general ledger drill-down report. This type of interac- tive report allows drill-down capability from a basic list. You can definedefault valueswhen creating a report and navigation options for how the drill-down list is displayed.
FGI3 Display Report: Settings
Use this transaction to display the settings of a new general ledger drill down report. This type of interactive report allows drill-down capability from a basic list. You can define default values when creating a report and navigation options for how the drill-down list is displayed.
FGI4 Report Painter: Create Form
This transaction is used to create a form for a new general ledger drill-down reporting. In a form you define the content and formal structure, which is displayed in the report in the detail list. Here you determine the characteristics and key figures that you want to display in the report.
FGI5 Report Painter: Change Form
Use this transaction to change the settings of a form used in a new general ledger drill down report. In a form you define the content and formal structure, which is displayed in the report in the detail list. Here you determine the characteristics and key figures that you want to display in the report.
FGI6 Report Painter: Display Form
Use this transaction to display the settings of a form used in a new general ledger drill-

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down report. In a form you define the content and formal structure, which is displayed in the report in the detail list. Here you deter- mine the characteristics and key figures that you want to display in the report.
details are entered in the customer or vendor master record and linked to the bank master data via the bank country key and the bank key. The bank master will also contain the address of the bank.
FI01 Create Bank
This transaction is used to create the master data for banks that you require for payment transactions with your business partners. This includes both your banks and the banks of your business partners. Enter the country key where the bank is located. The country key defines the rules for validating the bank data such as the bank key and bank account number. Normally, you manage banks using their bank number. The bank number in the control data for the bank is then displayed twice, that is, as the bank key too. In certain countries, the bank account number takes on this function; then there are no bank num- bers and the bank data is managed using the account number. To manage bank data using another key, for example, the SWIFT code, external number assignment can also be used. Click Enter and maintain bank data, such as name and address, etc.
FI02 Change Bank
Use this transaction to change master data for banks. Your house bank and/or the banks of your business partners can be changed using this transaction. Your business partners’ bank details are entered in the customer or vendor master record and linked to the bank master data via the bank country key and the bank key. The bank master will also contain the address of the bank.
FI03 Display Bank
Use this transaction to display master data for banks. Your house bank and/or the banks of your business partners can be displayed using this transaction. Your business partners’ bank
FI04 Bank Data Changes
Use this transaction code to report all changes to the bank master. The report is by company code. There is an option to select from a spe- cific date, time and user ID of the individual making the change. The report output will display the fields changed with the option to drill down and display the old/new field value and date changed.
FI06 Set Bank Deletion Flag
Use this transaction to flag a bankmaster for deletion. The deletion flag can be set by com- pany code. The deletion flag will ensure that the bank master cannot be used in financial transactional processing and can be included in the archiving process.
FK01 Vendor Create
This transaction is used to create the general and company code views of the vendormas- ter record. Vendor master fields that are either optional or required fields, as determined by the account group, can be maintained. Use transaction XK01 to create the purchasing area data of the vendor master.
FK02 Vendor Change
This transaction is used to change the vendor master record general and company code level data. Vendor master data fields that are either optional or required, as determined by the account group will be available to change.Use transaction XK02 to change the purchasing area data.
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FK03 Vendor Display

This transaction is used to display the ven- dor master general and company code level data only. To view the purchasing area data for business partners, use transaction code XK03.
FK04 Vendor Account Changes
Use this transaction code to report changes to the vendor master general and company code level data. The report is by vendor and company code. There is an option to select from a specific date, time and user ID of the individual making the change. The report out- put will display the fields changed with the option to drill down and display the old/new field value and date changed. Use transaction XK04 to view changes at the purchasing area data level.
FK05 Vendor Block/Unblock
This transaction is used to block the vendor master from various transactions such as pro- cessing financial transactions. Use transaction XK05 to block/unblock at the purchasing area level.
FK06 Vendor Flag for Deletion
Use this transaction to flag a vendor master for deletion. The deletion flag can be set by company code or all company codes. Furthermore, the deletion flag can be set at the general area data and general area data including selected company code area data. The deletion flag will ensure that the vendor cannot be used in transactional processing and can be included in the archiving process. Use transaction XK06 to flag the vendor at the purchasing area level.
FK08 Vendor Confirm Change
This transaction is used when the dual master data control functionality has been activated and you want to confirm the change to a sensitive field for a single vendor. Certain fields can be flagged as sensitive fields, which will require a second user, using this trans- action, to confirm the change. Creating or changing sensitive fields can block a vendor from payment until the changes have been confirmed.
FK09 Display/Confirm Critical
Vendor Changes
This transaction is used when the dual master data control functionality has been activated and you want to confirm the change to a sensitive field for a list of vendors. Certain fields can be flagged as sensitive fields, which will require a second user, using this trans- action, to confirm the change. Creating or changing sensitive fields can block a vendor from payment until the changes have been confirmed.
FK10N Vendor Balance Display
Use this transaction to display a vendor account balance. The account balance will show the opening balance (which is the carry forward balance from last year), total transactions per posting period broken down by debits and credits, balance per posting period and accumulated account balance. In addition to the above balances, the system displays the gross sales/purchases per period for each account. The balances from special G/L account transactions are also included in an account balance. The drill-down func- tion enables the display of the line items that make up the account balance.

1 Financial Accounting (FI)
FK10NA Vendor Balance Display
with Worklist
Use this transaction to display a vendor account balance with a worklist. A worklist allows you to display a range of vendors. The account balance will show the opening balance (carry forward balance for last year), total transactions per posting period broken down by debits and credits, balance per post- ing period and accumulated account balance. In addition to the above balances, the system displays the gross sales/purchases per period for each account. The balances from special G/L account transactions are also included in an account balance. The drill-down func- tion enables the display of the line items that make up the account balance.
FK15 Transfer Vendor Master Data from Source Company Code
This transaction is used to transfer vendor master datamaintained in a source company code to other target company codes. Due to run time considerations there is a selection option to select only those vendors where company code dependent data has changed since a specific date.Only data fields that are ready for input may be transferred, so it is recommended that the field control be the same. Execute the program in direct transfer mode and a batch input session is created and ready for processing. Vendor master data can be written to a sequential file and processed via transactionFK16.
FK16 Transfer Vendor Changes: Receive
Use this transaction to transfer vendor master data to an external system. Once transaction FK15 has been executed to create a sequential file this transaction can be used to import the data and create a batch input session.
FKI0 Execute Drill-Down Report
This transaction is used to execute a drill- down report for vendor account financial reporting. This type of interactive report allows drill-down capability from a basic list. You can also switch the order in which you drill down on the characteristics within the report. Use transaction FKI1 to create the report.
FKI1 Create Drill-Down Report
Use this transaction to create a drill-down report in vendor account financial report- ing. This type of interactive report allows drill-down capability from a basic list. You can define default values when creating a report and navigation options for which a drill-down list can be displayed.
FKI2 Change Report: Settings
Use this transaction to change a vendor account financial report. This type of interac- tive report allows drill down capability from a basic list. You can definedefault valueswhen creating a report and navigation options for which a drill-down list can be displayed.
FKI3 Display Report: Settings
Use this transaction to display the settings of a vendor account financial drill down report. This type of interactive report allows drill down capability from a basic list. You can define default values when creating a report and navigation options for which a drill- down list can be displayed.
FKI4 Report Painter: Create Form
This transaction is used to create a form for a vendor account financial drill-down report- ing. In a form you define the content and formal structure, which is displayed in the report in the detail list. Here you determine
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the characteristics and key figures that you want to display in the report.
FKI5 Report Painter: Change Form
Use this transaction to change the settings of a form used in a vendor account financial drill-down report. In a form you define the content and formal structure, which is dis- played in the report in the detail list. Here you determine the characteristics and key figures that you want to display in the report.
FKI6 Report Painter: Display Form
Use this transaction to display the settings of a form used in a vendor account financial drill-down report. In a form you define the content and formal structure, which is dis- played in the report in the detail list. Here you determine the characteristics and key figures that you want to display in the report.
zero balance until all payments are applied to customers or written off. Payment advices are stored and post processing uses these advices to correctly apply payments to the customer. You can make changes to advices if needed, or just use the advice to show the customer invoices and apply as partial or residual items.
FLB2 Main Lockbox Program
This transaction is used to process the lock- box file received from the bank (typically in BAI or BAI2 format). The SAP lockbox program translates the file and posts to a G/L cash account, creates payment advices that are matched against accounts receivable open items and clears those items. Use transac- tion FLB1 to access the lockbox post process transaction to process any checks that could not be fully applied by the Lockbox Import Program.
FKMT Account Assignment Model
Use this transaction to create a reference/ template with default values for financial postings. An account assignment model can contain any number of G/L account receiv- ables/account payables account items, and can be changed or supplemented at any time. During document entry, the end user can change, add to, or delete the proposed data. The account assignmentmodel can be called up at financial document entry time.
FLB1 Post Processing Lockbox Data
Use this transaction to process any checks that could not be fully applied by the Lockbox Import Programvia transaction FLB2. Lock- box processing creates payment advices for any payment that cannot be applied fully and uses a “lockbox clearing” account to post all payments directly to the bank G/L account. This allows the bank account to have a correct balance while the clearing account has non-
FLBP Main Lockbox Program
Use this transaction to process the lockbox when using an IDoc interface. Data is read automatically and stored in the bank data. This transaction is then scheduled, which processes the lockbox data (by producing payment memos and postings, creating the check and posting logs, generating batch input for creating new bank details). Use transaction FLB1 to access the lockbox post process transaction to process any checks that could not be fully applied by the Lockbox Import Program.
FM5I Create Fund
This transaction is used to create a fund that represents financial resources that are pro- vided for a specific purpose by a sponsor and managed separately. This enables the exact source of the funds to be determined. Input the fund management area (to be entered once only, after which the system

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will remember) and the fund number. The validity of the fund can be determined by definition in the master record or determined by the fund application. Other input data can include fund type and budget profile, which determines the basis for budgeting and availability control.
FM5S Display Fund
Use this transaction to display a fundmaster. You can display the validity of the fund and the budget profile.
FM9B Copy Budget Version
This transaction supports budget planning. You can use this function to, for example, copy budget data from the old year, as the first version of the budget, for the new year. You can adjust the data to take account of inflation and other factors in the new year.
FM9C Plan Data Transfer from CO
Use this transaction to copy data from the plan version from the controlling module to the budget version in funds management. Thisutility allows for an easyway of creating similar budget versions in funds management from the data transferred from the control- ling module.
FM9D Lock Budget Version
This transaction is used to lock the budget version in funds management.
FM9E Unlock Budget Version
This transaction is used to unlock the budget version in funds management.
FMN0 Transfer Documents from
Financial Accounting
This transaction is used to post or repost finan- cial documents to funds management. This transaction can be used if there is a need to correct funds management data by recreating the financial documents after corrections have been made or to construct funds management when implementing funds management in a productive system. After the construction or reconstruction you must also reconstruct assigned values to determine excessive funds centers and commitment item hierarchies in funds management and execute a payment conversion to update the actual data in funds management in accordance with the time sequence.
FMR3 Plan/Actual/ CommitmentReport
Use this transaction to report on plan, actual and commitment comparisons. This report will show all commitment/actual postings per fundsmanagement area, version, period and fiscal year. One or more commitment items can also be selected.
FMSA Create FundsCenter in FM Area
This transaction is used to create a funds center, which represents the structure of an organization (areas of responsibility, departments and projects) in the form of a hierarchy. You can assign a budget to funds centers in funds management. The budget is used up as postings are made to funds centers with commitments and actual values. Input the fund center number, funds management area and valid to/from dates, click Enter and complete the master data set-up.
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FMSU Change Fund

Use this transaction to change the fund mas- ter. You can use this transaction, for instance, to assign a fund sponsor to the fund.
FMX1 Funds Reservation:
Create InitScrn
This transaction is used to create a reservation for future budget consumption, within which all purchasing and financial activities take place. When posting a purchasing document (purchase order) or financial accountingdoc- ument (i.e., vendor invoice) by referencing a funds reservation document number and the earmarked funds field of the account assign- ment coding block, the systemautomatically transfers the funds management account assignment from the funds reservation. Once a purchase order or finance document is reg- istered, the funds reservation is consumed. Input the header data on the document, click enter, and then enter the overall amount, amount to be reserved, commitment item, funds center, other finance data such as G/L account, cost center, etc. and save.
FMX2 Funds Reservation:
Change InitScrn
Use this transaction to change a reservation for future budget consumption.
FMX3 Funds Reservation:
Display InitScrn
Use this transaction to display a reservation for future budget consumption.
FMY1 Funds Pre Commitment: Create InitScrn
This transaction is used to create a reser- vation for future budget consumption. By referencing a funds reservation (created using transaction FMX1) you can portray the funds
reservation/budgeting process. Therefore, a funds pre commitment can reference a funds reservation and therefore reduce it.
FMY2 Funds Pre Commitment:
Change InitScrn
Use this transaction to change the pre com- mitment reservation.
FMY3 Funds Pre Commitment:
Display InitScrn
Use this transaction to display the pre com- mitment reservation.
FMZ1 Funds Commitment:
Create InitScrn
This transaction is used to earmark funds for future budget consumption. Used in reference to a pre commitment the funds reservation can reduce the pre commitment and reserva- tion for future budget consumption.
FMZ2 Funds Commitment:
Change InitScrn
Use this transaction to change the commit- ment reservation.
FMZ3 Funds Commitment:
Display InitScrn
Use this transaction to display the commit- ment reservation.
FPS3 Same Day Statement:
Create Memo Records
This transaction used as a tool for updat- ing the cash position in cash management. The uploading of an intraday statement will display a list of transactions thatmay ormay not be selected to be included in the cash position for that day.
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FSP4 G/L Account Changes

in Chart of Accts
Use this transaction to report changes to the G/L account master at the chart of accounts level. Select the G/L account and chart of accounts. Further selection options include: from a specific date, time and the user ID of the individual making the change. The report output will display the fields changed with the option to drill down and display the old/ new field value and date changed.
companies choose to make this a business user transaction in the productive client.
FSI0 Execute Drill-Down Report
This transaction is used to execute a drill- down report using the classic general ledger functionality. This type of interactive report allows drill-downcapability from a basic list. You also have the option to switch the order in which the drill-down occurs. Use transac- tion FSI1 to create the report.
FS00 Edit G/L Account Centrally

Use this transaction to edit the G/L master record centrally at the chart of accounts level and the company code level. The chart of accounts data includes the description of the G/L account, a profit and loss or balance sheet indicator, and the account group field (which determines the fields that will be input at the company code level). The company code level data includes settings such as the currency the G/L account is managed in, an open item management indicator and the field status group, which determines the input fields when making financial postings to the G/L account. You can also use this transaction to block a G/L account from posting financial transactions and flag it for deletion.
FSI1 Create Drill-Down Report
Use this transaction to create a drill down report in the classic general ledger. This type of interactive report allows drill down capability from a basic list. You can define default values when creating a report and navigation options for which a drill-down list can be displayed.
FSI2 Change Report: Settings
Use this transaction to change a classic gen- eral ledger drill down report. This type of interactive report allows drill down capabil- ity from a basic list. You can define default values when creating a report and navigation options for which a drill-down list can be displayed.
FS10N G/L Account Balance Display

This transaction is used to display the G/L account balance by month for a particular year. One or multiple G/L accounts can be selected. The user can drill down on any period to view the transactional detail.
FSE2 Change Financial Statement Version
Use this transaction to make a change to the financial statement version, i.e., the structure of financial statements. This transaction is by default a customization transaction, but some
FSI3 Display Report: Settings
Use this transaction to display the settings of a classic general ledger drill down report. This type of interactive report allows drill down capability from a basic list. You can define default values when creating a report and navigation options for which a drill-down list can be displayed.
FSI4 Report Painter: Create Form
This transaction is used to create a form for a classic general ledger drill-down report. In
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a form you define the content and formal structure, which is displayed in the report in the detail list. Here you determine the characteristics and key figures that you want to display in the report.
FSI5 Report Painter: Change Form
Use this transaction to change the settings of a form used in a classic general ledger drill- down report. In a form you define the content and formal structure, which is displayed in the report in the detail list. Here you deter- mine the characteristics and key figures that you want to display in the report.
FSI6 Report Painter: Display Form
Use this transaction to display the settings of a form used in a classic general ledger drill- down report. In a form you define the content and formal structure, which is displayed in the report in the detail list. Here you deter- mine the characteristics and key figures that you want to display in the report.
the Create icon. The company code level data includes settings such as the currency the G/L account is managed in, open item management indicator and the field status group, which determines the input fields when making financial postings to the G/L account. You can also use this transaction to block a G/L account from posting financial transactions and flag it for deletion.
FSS4 Central G/L Account Changes InCompanyCode
Use this transaction to report changes to the G/L account master at the company code level. Select the G/L account and company code and click Execute. Further selection options include a specific date, time and the user ID of the individual making the change. The report output will display the fields changed with the option to drill down to display the old/new field value and date changed. You can also use this transaction to block a G/L account from posting financial transactions and flag it for deletion.
FSP0 Edit G/L Account Chart of Accts Data
Use this transaction to create a G/L account in the chart of accounts only. Input the G/L account number, chart of accounts and click Enter. Select the account group (this will determine the fields required at the com- pany code level), the profit and loss account indicator and the text of the G/L account. Additionally, if the consolidation module is used, the trading partner account and group accountmay be selected.
FV50 Park G/L Account Document
Use this transaction to enter and store (park) incomplete general ledger postings without carrying out extensive entry checks, such as the document balance check. Parked docu- ments can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date, if necessary by a dif- ferent individual, using transaction FBV0. Parked documents can be evaluated online for reporting purposes from the moment they are parked. Transaction FV67 can also be used.
FSS0 Edit G/L Account In CompanyCode
This transaction is used to create a new G/L at the company code level. Enter the G/L account and the company code the new G/L account is to be created in and then click
FV60 Park Vendor Invoice
Use this transaction to enter and store (park) incomplete vendor invoices without carry- ing out extensive entry checks, such as the document balance check. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted

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at a later date, if necessary by a different individual, using transaction FBV0. Parked documents can be evaluated online for reporting purposes from the moment they are parked. Transaction F-65 can also be used.
FV65 Park Vendor Credit Memo
Use this transaction to enter and store (park) incomplete vendor credit memos without carrying out extensive entry checks, such as the document balance check. Parked docu- ments can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date, if necessary by a dif- ferent individual, using transaction FBV0. Parked documents can be evaluated online for reporting purposes from the moment they are parked. Transaction F-66 can also be used.
IM01 Create Inv. Program Definition
This transaction is used to create an invest- ment program for planned or budgeted costs for capital investments (or other projects) in the form of a hierarchical structure. The hierarchical structure is definable and is not dependent of any organizational units. You can assign investment measures and appro- priation requests to the investment program positions. Input the program definition (pro- gram type, key, description and approval year), the program structure and program positions (organizational assignments, person(s) responsible). Note: use IM01 only once and then use IM27 for every approval year thereafter so that you can report on programs over multiple years.
FV70 Park Customer Invoice
Use this transaction to enter and store (park) incomplete customer invoices without carry- ing out extensive entry checks, such as the document balance check. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date, if necessary by a different individual, using transaction FBV0. Parked documents can be evaluated online for reporting purposes from the moment they are parked. Transaction F-64 can also be used.
FV75 Park Customer Credit Memo
Use this transaction to enter and store (park) incomplete customer credit memos without carrying out extensive entry checks, such as the document balance check. Parked docu- ments can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date, if necessary by a dif- ferent individual, using transaction FBV0. Parked documents can be evaluated online for reporting purposes from the moment they are parked. Transaction F-67 can also be used.
IM02 Change Inv. Program Definition
Use this transaction to change an investment program for capital investments (or other projects). Enter the investment program number and the approval year and click Enter. Input fields available for changing include program description, person respon- sible, etc.
IM03 Display Inv. Program Definition
Use this transaction to display an investment program for capital investments (or other projects). Enter the investment program number and the approval year and click Enter.
IM05 Reassignment ofMeasures/ App.Requests
This transaction is used to reassign invest- ment measures and appropriation requests from one investment program position to another. Enter the sending program position and the receiving program position. There is also the ability to specify whether the system
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should automatically modify the plan and budget values on the sending and receiving program positions, as well as the next posi- tion above them in the hierarchy. You can start the reassignment in test mode or execute the function immediately.
IM22 Change Inv. Program Structure
This transaction is used to sub divide the investment hierarchy below the enterprise structure. Enter the program, leave the posi- tion ID blank, approval year, leave hierarchy level blank and click Enter. Position the cursor on the investment program and click Create. Enter the position ID and descrip- tion and click Enter. You can then continue to create subordinate levels in the structure. Note that only the end node of the program position can be assigned with investment measures.
IM30 Change Program Budget Supplement
This transaction is used to change the pro- gram budget from the original budget for both the investment program budget and for the measure budget. Changes are managed as line items in the system and are therefore managed separately from the original budget. Enter the program, position ID or the pro- gram node instead, approval year and click Enter. The supplement budget can then be entered.
IM31 Display Program Budget Supplement
Use this transaction to display a program budget supplement. You can also display budget supplements as an explanation of the current budget.
IM23 Display Inv. Program Structure
Use this transaction to display the investment program structure. Within the transaction enter the program, leave the position ID blank, enter approval year, leave hierarchy level blank and click Enter. You can then drill down on the investment program structure.
IM27 Open New Approval Year
Use this transaction to carry forward the original budget (after a fiscal year change) of the new investment program (rather than the current budget). SAP manages the budget carried forward separately from the current budget of the new investment program, so you must use this transaction to combine the two.
IM32 Change Original Program Budget
This transaction is used to enter a program budget, typically for a new program year. You can enter budget values for all program positions in this transaction. Note that it is possible to adopt the planned values of the investment program as the budget values and change these values as needed. Once planning is completed, it is common to per- form the budgeting process, which is usually distributed top down.
IM33 Display Original Program Budget
Use this transaction to display the budget for a program and program positions. You are able to review the budget totals, the program position and level, the planned total version, previous year total and amount distributed.

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IM34 Rollup of Plan Values
Use this transaction to roll up plan values to the current year. Old programs are treated as if they are in the new approval year, so if you want to report carried forward programs from a current year program, it is not recom- mended that you use this transaction.
IM35 Change Program Planning
Use this transaction to plan values for invest- ment measures and appropriation requests independently of the investment programs. Before you can budget and approve your investment program, you perform the plan- ning function and then use the plan values as the basis for the binding budget. You can use the functions of the project systems module and the overhead costing module to structure the planning process and roll up the plan values into program positions. Another util- ity is to use the carry forward plan from the previous year plan or actual as a basis for planning the current year.
IM36 Display Program Planning
This transaction is used to display the pro- gram plan values. You are able to review the plan totals, the program position and level, the planned total version, the carried forward total and amount distributed.
IM39 Display Program Budget Return
Use this transaction to display a program budget return. You can also display budget returns as an explanation of the current budget.
IM52 Budget Distribution
This transaction is used to distribute a budget from program positions to measures. There are a few different ways to distribute the budget, but the system ensures that no more budget can be distributed to the lower positions than is available on the next higher level position. Enter the investment program, position ID, approval year, measure type, distribution of original budget indicator, display transaction and execute. Then assign the supplements/ returns for the overall budget or the annual budget of the assigned measures.
IM53 Display Budget Distribution
Use this transaction to display the budget distributed. Enter the investment program, position ID, approval year, measure type, dis- tribution of original budget indicator, display transaction and execute. Then review the dis- tributed values for the assigned supplements/ returns for the overall budget or the annual budget of the assigned measures.
IM38 Change Program Budget Return
This transaction is used to change the pro- gram budget from the original budget for both the investment program budget and for the measure budget. Changes are managed as line items in the system and are therefore managed separately from the original bud- get. Enter the program, position ID or the program node instead, approval year and click Enter. The return budget can then be entered.
IMA11 Display Appropriation Request
This transaction is used to manage appropria- tion requests, which is a measure such as an investment that is individually assessed and approved primarily because of the high cost. An appropriation request consists of a master record with basic information and control data, such as the program assignment, organizational unit assignments and measure assignment. An appropriation request can be planned using different measures such as a WBS element or internal order.
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IMCAOV Investment Program
Budget Carry Forward

Use this transaction for the budget carry for- ward in the investment program function, i.e., transfer unused budget to the next fiscal year (annual values) within an investment program. Unused budget is the remaining distributable budget on a program position and all subordinate program positions. The program can be run in test mode or update mode.
IMCCV1 Copy Plan Version
(Investment Program)
This transaction is can be used for copying plan values from one plan version to another. Planning for investments in an approval year is often not a one-step process. Instead, it involves a series of steps or versions. These versions represent various stages in the devel- opment of planning, or various stages in the approval process of the selected objects to the budget values. Thus, this transaction can be used to transfer planned values to budgeted values for selected objects.
IMR6 Master Data List –
%Distrib., w/Variants
Use this transaction to report master data of appropriation requests along with their plan values, without sub-totals. This list- ing is intended for reporting without summarization.
IMR7 Master Data List –
%Distrib., w/Variants
Use this transaction to report master data of appropriation requests along with their plan values, without sub-totals. This list- ing is intended for reporting without summarization.
MIR4 Display Invoice Document
This transaction is used to display a logistics vendor invoice. Enter the invoice number, fiscal year and click Enter. You have the abil- ity to drill down into the financial document to review the accounting entries.
IMR4 Master Data List – App.

Requests w/o %Distrib., w/o Variants
Use this transaction to report master data of appropriation requests along with their plan values, without sub-totals. This list- ing is intended for reporting without summarization.
IMR5 Master Data List – App.
Requestswith%Distrib., w/o Variants
Use this transaction to report master data of appropriation requests along with their plan values, without sub-totals. This list- ing is intended for reporting without summarization.
MIR6 Invoice Overview –
Selection Criteria
Use this transaction to report on a worklist of logistics vendor invoices. Selection includes document number or range, fiscal year, invoicing party, document date and posting date. In addition, you can further restrict the invoice list by selecting various types of invoice, such as an EDI invoice, invoices that have been held/parked or the status of an invoice. Invoices that are in error status, parked status or require further process- ing can be amended and posted using this transaction.

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MIR7 Park Incoming Invoice
This transaction is used to park a logistics vendor invoice. A parked document can be used as part of an authorization/review pro- cess where one individual inputs the invoice and parked the document while a supervisor can review/authorize and post the document using transaction MIR6. Input the vendor invoice or credit memo as usual and then click Save. Workflow functionality can also be used with this process in order to auto- matically route the invoice to the appropriate individual for approval.
MIRO Enter Incoming Invoice
This transaction is used for logistics invoice verification. Typically, the vendor invoice is matched against a purchase order and a goods receipt, which is more commonly known as three-way matching. Enter the invoice header information and then enter the purchase order(s) that the invoice relates to. SAP will then propose the invoice amount and quan- tity. Tolerance limits will determine whether the invoice can be processed or blocked, or if there are any discrepancies between the invoice amount/quantity and the purchase order amount/goods receipt quantity. Once posted, the logistics vendor invoice creates an additional financial document for the financialposting.
MR8M Cancel Invoice Document
Use this transaction to reverse a logistics ven- dor invoice. Enter the invoice number, fiscal year, reversal reason and posting date (which must be open financial period for posting). If a posting date is not entered, then the current date is used as a default. Click Save and the logistics invoice is reversed, together with a reversed financial posting.
MRBR Release Blocked Invoices
Use this transaction to review and release logistics invoices that have been blocked for payment (due to perhaps the invoice amount being greater than the purchase order amount and outside the tolerance limit). Enter the invoice header data to determine the worklist, selectwhether block removal is to be a manual step after program execution or an automatic block removal is required, select the type of blocked invoices and then execute the program.
MRKO Consignment and
Pipeline Settlement
This transaction is used to process an invoice/ settlement document for a special type of procurement involving consignment and pipeline materials. In this process the ven- dor logistics invoice is created based on the consumption of the pipeline material or con- signment material. The vendor then sends an invoice based on this settlement document to the vendor for reference.

MRRL Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) with Logistics
Invoice Verification
Use this transaction to process logistics ven- dor invoices based on the goods received from a vendor. In this process the vendor relationship is such that the purchasing com- pany will pay for any and all goods received from the vendor at predetermined prices. This transaction will create vendor invoices based on those goods receipts.
OB52 Open/Close Financial
Posting Period
Use this transaction to open and close the financial posting period. The general ledger and sub ledgers such as accounts payable/ receivable, asset management, inventory
